
  • 51Abrode — broadly, i.e. flat …

    Medieval glossary

  • 52Asylum Policy —   Broadly defined by the 1990 Dublin Convention on Asylum. Previously handled more informally through the TREVI process. In 1991 a Quick Reaction Consultation Centre was established, and asylum procedures generally tightened …

    Glossary of the European Union and European Communities

  • 53myenteric plexus —    Broadly, the several neuron masses, ganglia, and nerve fiber plexus that lie in the walls of the intestinal tract, particularly the small intestine. They monitor and stimulate local muscle and glandular functions as well as blood supply, with… …

    Herbal-medical glossary

  • 54pyorrhea —    Broadly, any discharge of pus, but usually referring to periodontitis or Pyorrhea alveolaris, with inflammatory and degenerative conditions in the gums, jaw bone and cementum. There may be alveolar bone resorption, teeth loss and receding gums …

    Herbal-medical glossary

  • 55rheumatoid —    Broadly, having dull aching in joints, muscles, eyes, and so forth. In a more literal sense, it is having an autoimmune response, usually between certain IgM and IgE antibodies, that may have started as a bacterial infection or as some… …

    Herbal-medical glossary

  • 56Thomism —    Broadly, Thomism is the school of thought that grants special authority to the systematic thought of Thomas Aquinas in theological and philosophical issues. More narrowly, Thomism involves the views of those within the Order of Preachers… …

    Christian Philosophy

  • 57pit —    Broadly used now for all the data carrying marks in optical discs.    Originally meant the rimless troughs in the photo resist layer of optical disc masters. Pits and flats (the unmarked areas) represent data …

    IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • 58administrator — Broadly, one who administers. In the most common usage, the personal representative of a decedent s estate. Sometimes meaning an administrative agency. 1 Am J2d Aran L § 49. See administrator of decedent s estate …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 59bank reorganization — Broadly, a change in the corporate structure of a bank. In a narrower but usual sense of the term, the rehabilitation of a failing or financially embarrassed bank by freezing the assets through the suspension of payment to depositors and… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 60civil rights — Broadly defined, such rights as the law will enforce, or as all those rights which the law gives a person. In the more restricted sense, however, in which the term is used most often, civil rights means the enjoyment of the guaranties contained… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary