bring to bring smb

  • 11sense — I n. judgment 1) to display, show sense 2) common, good, horse (colloq.) sense 3) a grain of sense 4) the sense to + inf. (they don t have the sense to admit defeat) 5) (misc.) to bring smb. to her/his senses; to come to one s senses; to take… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 12world — n. earth 1) around, round the world (to travel around the world) 2) (misc.) to see the world ( to travel to many parts of the earth ) area, part of the earth 3) the free; known; Third world (in the Third world) domain, realm, sphere 4) the… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 13КЪАХЫЛ СЛÆУУЫН КÆНЫН — тж. КЪАХЫЛ СЛÆУУЫН 1. Бирæ искæйты сæзмæлын кæнын, исты хъуыддаг сын аразын кæнын. Поднять на ноги. To alarm; to get up; to rouse. Йæ фæсонæрхæджы дæр не рцæудзæн комендантæн... æнæхъæн хъæуы йæ къæхтыл кæй слæууын кодта, уыцы тырыса йæ нывæрзæн… …

    Фразеологический словарь иронского диалекта

  • 14БЫНАТЫ ÆВÆРЫН — 1. Кæйдæр исты куысты бауромын. 2. Уагмæ, ранмæ æркæнын. Поставить на место, сбить спесь. To bring smb. to his level; to tell smb. where to get off …

    Фразеологический словарь иронского диалекта

  • 15charge — I n. accusation 1) to bring, level, make a charge; to prefer, press charges 2) to concoct, cook up, fabricate, trump up a charge (they trumped up various charges against her) 3) to prove, substantiate a charge 4) to face a charge 5) to dismiss,… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 16price — I n. 1) to fix, set a price 2) to hike (AE; colloq.), increase, mark up, raise prices 3) to freeze; hold down, keep down; maintain prices 4) to pay a price 5) to place, put a price on smt.; to quote a price 6) bring, command, fetch, get a price… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 17get — v. 1) (B) ( to deliver ) I have to get a message to her 2) (C) ( to obtain ) she got a newspaper for me; or: she got me a newspaper 3) (d; intr., tr.) to get across ( to cross ); ( to cause to cross ) (to get across a bridge; the general finally… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 18life — n. 1) to lead a life (to lead a busy life) 2) to prolong; save a life 3) to devote one s life (to smt.) 4) to spend one s life (doing smt.) 5) to give, lay down, sacrifice; risk one s life 6) to claim, snuff out, take a life (she took her own… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 19play — I n. stage presentation 1) to present, produce, put on, stage; revive; write a play 2) to perform; rehearse a play 3) to review a play 4) to criticize, pan (colloq.) a play 5) a miracle; morality; mystery; nativity; one act; passion play 6) a… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 20word — I n. independent, meaningful linguistic form 1) to coin a word 2) to pronounce, say, utter; write a word (to say a few words about smt.) 3) to mispronounce a word 4) to distort smb. s words 5) to not mince any words ( to speak frankly ) 6) angry …

    Combinatory dictionary