boost (verb)

  • 41assist — verb 1) I spend my time assisting the chef Syn: help, aid, lend a (helping) hand to, oblige, accommodate, serve; collaborate with, work with; support, back (up), second; abet; informal pitch in with Ant: hinder …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 42augment — verb moonlighting helps augment her income Syn: increase, add to, supplement, build up, enlarge, expand, extend, raise, multiply, swell, grow; magnify, amplify, escalate; improve, boost; informal up, jack up, hike up …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 43bolster — verb an occasional word of thanks would really bolster the staff s morale Syn: strengthen, reinforce, boost, fortify, renew; support, sustain, buoy up, prop up, shore up, maintain, aid, help; augment, increase Ant: undermine …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 44diminish — verb 1) the pain will gradually diminish Syn: decrease, lessen, decline, reduce, subside, die down, abate, dwindle, fade, slacken off, moderate, let up, ebb, wane, recede, die away/out, peter out; archaic remit …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 45encourage — verb 1) the players were encouraged by the crowd s response Syn: hearten, cheer, buoy up, uplift, inspire, motivate, spur on, stir, stir up, fire up, stimulate, invigorate, vitalize, revitalize, embolden, fortify, rally …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 46enhance — verb background music will enhance the mood Syn: increase, add to, intensify, heighten, magnify, amplify, inflate, strengthen, build up, supplement, augment, boost, raise, lift, elevate, exalt; improve, enrich, comple …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 47enliven — verb 1) a meeting enlivened by her wit and vivacity Syn: liven up, spice up, add spice to, ginger up, vitalize, leaven; informal perk up, pep up See note at quicken 2) the visit had enlivened my mother Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 48enrich — verb enrich the soil with nitrogen Syn: enhance, improve, better, add to, augment; supplement, complement; boost, elevate, raise, lift, refine Ant: spoil …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 49expedite — verb our legal assistants can help expedite the paperwork Syn: speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up, quicken, precipitate, dispatch; advance, facilitate, ease, make easier, further, promote, aid, push through, urge on, boost …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 50hasten — verb 1) we hastened back home Syn: hurry, rush, dash, race, fly, shoot; scurry, scramble, dart, bolt, sprint, run, gallop; go fast, go quickly, go like lightning, go hell bent for leather; informal tear …

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