
  • 71beggar — n 1. cadger, Inf. panhandler, mendicant, beadsman, almsman, Scot. gaberlunzie; moocher, Inf. sponger, Sl. schnorrer, parasite, leech, hanger on. 2. pauper, ragamuffin, tatterdemalion, hobo, Sl. bindle stiff; tramp, vagrant, beachcomber, vagabond …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 72bundle — n 1. bunch, group, collection, assemblage. See bunch (def.1). 2. package, parcel, pack, packet, Sl. bindle, sack, knapsack, backpack; basket, hamper, bag, pouch, Obs. budget. v 3. tie, tie up or together, colligate, truss, wrap, package, bind,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 73fagot — n 1. bundle of sticks, firewood, kindling; branches, twigs, fascine. 2. bundle, Sl. bindle, bale; bunch, cluster; pack, packet, parcel …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 74hobo — n 1. tramp, vagrant, beachcomber, vagabond, derelict, Dial. bawky, street Arab; Inf. bum, Sl. vag, Sl. bo, Sl. stiff, Sl. bindle stiff, Sl. canvas back. 2. migrant or migrant worker, Usu. Disparaging.Okie, drifter, Inf. floater, transient, fly by …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 75indigent — adj 1. poverty stricken, impoverished, penurious, impecunious, beggared, pauperized; destitute, poor, needy, necessitous, barefoot, ragged, bad off, badly off; beggarly, mendicant; pinched, straitened, distressed, Inf. strapped, Inf. up against… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 76pack — n 1. bundle, package, bale, parcel, packet; sack, load, gear; rucksack, knapsack, backpack, haversack, packsack, Sl. bindle, Australian Sl. swag, kit, kit bag; bag, duffel bag, suitcase, overnighter, valise, grip. 2. collection, assemblage,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 77parcel — n 1. package, bundle, bale, packet; pack, Sl. bindle, Australian Sl. swag; box, carton, case, container, receptacle, crate. 2. lot, division, plot, plat, tract, patch, cantle, corner. 3. batch, bunch, heap, pile, conglomeration; collection,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 78pauper — n poor person, have not, beggar, down and outer; insolvent, bankrupt, debtor; cadger, Inf. panhandler, mendicant, beadsman, almsman, Scot. gaber lunzie; ragamuffin, tatterdemalion, hobo, Sl. bindle stiff; tramp, vagrant, bum; moocher, Inf.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 79ragamuffin — n 1. tatterdemalion, scarecrow; beggar, panhandler, guttersnipe; hobo, tramp, vagrant, beachcomber, vagabond, derelict; Inf. bum, Sl. vag, Sl. bo, Sl. stiff, Sl. bindle stiff, Sl. canvasback. 2. orphan, waif, street Arab, gutter urchin, gamin,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 80tatterdemalion — n ragamuffin, scarecrow; beggar, panhandler, guttersnipe; hobo, tramp, vagrant, beachcomber, vagabond, derelict, Inf. bum, Sl. vag, Sl. bo, Sl. stiff, Sl. bindle stiff, Sl. canvasback; waif, street Arab, gutter urchin, gamin, mudlark …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder