
  • 21base — I n 1. stand, pedestal, rest, bed; support, prop, stay, brace; bottom, foot, Fr. fond, Archit. socle, Archit. plinth, Bot. caudex; foundation, principle, basis, footing, groundwork, substructure, substratum, understructure. 2. principal, essence …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 22baseborn — adj 1. lowborn, lowbred, vulgar, common; low, lowly, simple, humble, homely, homespun; plebian, proletarian, bourgeois; untitled, ungenteel, ungentle, unlanded; beggarly, poor, pauperish. 2. illegitimate, bastard, bastardly, base; misbegotten,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 23counterfeit — adj 1. forged, fraudulent, imitation, fake, Inf. phony; not genuine, bogus, spurious, supposititious, bastardly, Australian. bunyip. 2. pretended, feigned, simulated, make believe, sham, flash; unreal, false, insincere, mock, ersatz, synthetic;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 24fake — v 1. counterfeit, invent, forge, fabricate, manufacture, Brit. coin; concoct, hatch, create, make up; lie, fib, tell a lie or fib or story. 2. falsify, alter, modify; whitewash, disguise, color, paint a rosy picture, doctor up, gloss or varnish… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 25false — adj 1. untrue, untruthful, unveracious, mendacious, devoid of truth, not right; lying, fibbing, perjured, forsworn; fabricative, fabricated, trumped up. 2. erroneous, mistaken, incorrect, amiss, wrong, all wrong, Sl. all wet, Sl. full of beans or …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 26ignoble — adj 1. mean, petty, small, shabby; base, vile, low, low down; degraded, debased, abased, disgraceful, shameful; dishonorable, ignominious, infamous; contemptible, despicable, abject, paltry, deplorable; execrable, detestable, abominable,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 27imitative — adj 1. mimic, Archaic. mimical, mimetic, apish, parrot like; derivative, secondary, unoriginal; copied, plagiarized. 2. counterfeit, forged, fraudulent, imitation, fake, Inf. phony; not genuine, bogus, spurious, supposititious, bastardly. 3.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 28mock — v 1. ridicule, jeer, make fun of, fleer, laugh at, guy, make [s.o.] the butt of a joke, Australian. chiack; tease, kid, rib, rally, taunt, rag, gibe, twit, banter, poke fun at, make sport of, spoof, Inf. roast, Sl. razz; sneer at, deride, scout,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 29pasteboard — n 1. cardboard, strawboard, paper board, pulpboard, Bookbinding. millboard, binder s board. 2.Slang. card, calling card, visiting card; (plural) playing cards, pack, deck, Inf. fifty two. 3.Slang. ticket, ticket of admission, stub, receipt, Inf.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 30physique — I gus, imitation, not genuine; fraudulent, fake, false, forged; supposititious, bastardly, pinchbeck, Australian. bunyip; meretricious, feigned, simulated, make believe; left handed, sham, flash, Sl. jive, Sl. hokey, Sl. phony baloney; unreal,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder