annoyance (noun)

  • 91impatience — noun 1) he was shifting in his seat with impatience Syn: restlessness, restiveness, agitation, nervousness, anxiety; eagerness, keenness; informal jitteriness 2) a burst of impatience Syn: irritability, testiness, tetchiness …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 92indignation — noun she was filled with indignation at having been blamed unjustly Syn: resentment, umbrage, affront, disgruntlement, displeasure, anger, outrage, annoyance, irritation, exasperation, vexation, offense, pique; informal aggravation; literary ire …

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  • 93ire — noun, literary the plans provoked the ire of conservationists Syn: anger, rage, fury, wrath, outrage, temper, crossness, spleen; annoyance, exasperation, irritation, displeasure, indignation, vexation, chagrin, pique; …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 94nuisance — noun I find these long journeys a nuisance Syn: annoyance, inconvenience, bore, bother, irritation, problem, trouble, trial, burden; pest, plague, thorn in one s side/flesh; informal pain, pain in the neck, hassle, bind, drag, chore, aggravati …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 95offense — noun 1) he denied having committed any offense Syn: crime, illegal/unlawful act, misdemeanor, breach of the law, felony, wrongdoing, wrong, misdeed, peccadillo, sin, transgression, infringement; Law malfeasance; informal no no; archaic trespass;… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 96pest — noun Dan is dating the girl he used to think was such a pest Syn: nuisance, annoyance, irritation, irritant, thorn in one s flesh/side, vexation, trial, the bane of one s life, menace, trouble, problem, worry, bother; informal pain (in the neck) …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 97provocation — noun 1) he remained calm despite severe provocation Syn: goading, prodding, egging on, incitement, pressure; annoyance, irritation, nettling; harassment, plaguing, molestation; teasing, taunting, torment; affront, insults; informal hassle …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 98spleen — noun that doesn t give you the right to vent your spleen on me Syn: bad temper, bad mood, ill temper, ill humor, anger, wrath, vexation, annoyance, irritation, displeasure, dissatisfaction, resentment, rancor; spite, ill feeling, malice,… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 99vexation — noun she stamped her foot in vexation Syn: annoyance, irritation, exasperation, indignation, anger, crossness, displeasure, pique, bile, disgruntlement, bad mood; informal aggravation …

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  • 100wrath — noun I refuse to subject myself any longer to her wrath Syn: anger, rage, fury, outrage, spleen, vexation, (high) dudgeon, crossness, displeasure, annoyance, irritation; literary ire, choler Ant: happiness …

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