
  • 111collocate — v 1. assemble, gather, collect, amass, accumulate, muster, bunch, put or place together; juxtapose, collate, pair, partner, match. 2. arrange, range, order, dispose, place, group; classify, categorize, pigeonhole, Sl. peg; digest, index, file,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 112coordinate — adj 1. correspondent, complementary, complemental; correlative, correlational, reciprocal; equal, equipotent, on equal or even terms, on the same footing; equivalent, synonymous, tantamount, all one, all the same, of a kind, of a piece, cast in… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 113file — I n 1. dossier, organized collection or assortment, arrangement; folder, organizer, envelope, container, holder; filing cabinet, cabinet, drawer, box, pigeonhole, receptacle, repository, compartment. 2. line, queue, row, rank; string, chain,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 114itemize — v list, record, codify, alphabetize, tabulate, group, register, rank, arrange, file; detail, particularize, mention or list in detail, tick off, count off, point out, mention, indicate, specify, list particulars …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 115list — I n 1. list of names, roll, attendance, muster or muster roll, roster, Sports. line up, beadroll, slate, docket; listing, enumeration, shopping list, inventory, catalog; Library Science. card or union catalog, file, index, table of contents,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 116methodize — v systematize, regulate, organize, classify, schematize; straighten out, put to rights, reduce to order, lay out; regularize, standardize, centralize, normalize, routinize; arrange, order, coordinate, alphabetize, grade, rank …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 117pigeonhole — n 1. compartment, partition, section, part, department; area, sphere, space, place. 2. cubbyhole, cubby, niche, nook; drawer, tray, box, bin, hold, receptacle, bunker; booth, stall, cubicle, carrel, slot, alcove; closet, locker, storage space. v… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 118register — n 1. record, records, ledger, registry, cashbook, journal, bank book, passbook; account book, daybook, record book, books; accounts payable ledger, accounts receivable ledger, balance sheet, cost sheet; score sheet, score card; minutes,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 119tabulate — v tabularize, systematize, systemize, chart, graph; line up, line, arrange, range, order, dispose, place, group; rank, rate, grade, graduate; organize, sort or sort out, assort, class, classify, categorize, pigeonhole, Sl. peg; catalog, inventory …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 120alphabetise — UK [ˈælfəbetaɪz] / US [ˈælfəbeˌtaɪz] alphabetize …

    English dictionary