agitation (noun)

  • 81equilibrium — noun 1) the equilibrium of the economy Syn: balance, symmetry, equipoise, parity, equality; stability Ant: imbalance 2) his equilibrium was never shaken Syn: composure …

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  • 82fever — noun 1) he developed a fever Syn: feverishness, high temperature, febrility; Medicine pyrexia; informal temperature 2) a fever of excitement Syn: ferment, frenzy, furor; ecstasy, rapture 3) Stanley Cup fever …

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  • 83frenzy — noun 1) the crowd whipped itself into a state of frenzy Syn: hysteria, madness, mania, delirium, feverishness, fever, wildness, agitation, turmoil, tumult; wild excitement, euphoria, elation, ecstasy 2) a frenzy of anger …

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  • 84furor — noun her memoirs caused a furor Syn: commotion, uproar, outcry, fuss, upset, brouhaha, foofaraw, palaver, pother, tempest, agitation, pandemonium, disturbance, hubbub, rumpus, tumult, turmoil; stir, excitement; …

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  • 85impatience — noun 1) he was shifting in his seat with impatience Syn: restlessness, restiveness, agitation, nervousness, anxiety; eagerness, keenness; informal jitteriness 2) a burst of impatience Syn: irritability, testiness, tetchiness …

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  • 86nervousness — noun she began chattering out of nervousness Syn: anxiety, edginess, tension, agitation, stress, worry, apprehension, uneasiness, disquiet, fear, trepidation, perturbation, alarm; informal butterflies (in one s stomach), the jitters, the willies …

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  • 87peace — noun 1) can t a man get any peace around here? Syn: tranquility, calm, restfulness, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness; privacy, solitude Ant: noise 2) peace of mind Sy …

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  • 88tension — noun 1) the tension of the rope Syn: tightness, tautness, rigidity; pull, traction 2) the tension was unbearable Syn: strain, stress, anxiety, pressure; worry, apprehensiveness, appr …

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  • 89to-do — noun, informal the to do in the street finally prompted a call to the police Syn: commotion, fuss, ado, excitement, agitation, stir, palaver, confusion, disturbance, brouhaha, fracas, uproar, furor, tempest in a teapot, much ado about nothing;… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 90trepidation — noun he sat in the waiting room, full of trepidation Syn: fear, apprehension, dread, fearfulness, fright, agitation, anxiety, worry, nervousness, tension, misgivings, unease, uneasiness, foreboding, disquiet, dismay, consternation, alarm …

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