adj (dated)

  • 31floating — adj euphoric, especially from the effects of illicit drugs. A now dated term common in the late 1950s and early 1960s …

    Contemporary slang

  • 32gone — adj a. in a euphoric state; ecstatic from the effects of drugs or music. The term is from the slang of jazz musicians of the 1950s, adopted by beatniks and hipsters. It now seems comically dated. I tried talking him out of it, but he was totally… …

    Contemporary slang

  • 33keen — adj excellent, great. A teenage vogue word in North America in the late 1950s and 1960s. The enthusiastic term now sounds dated but is still heard, usually said by ingenuous and ironic adults, although there are some signs of a revival among… …

    Contemporary slang

  • 34knockout — adj wonderful, impressive, first rate. Originally an Americanism, deriving from the noun form meaning something stunning, the word was introduced to Britain and Australia in the hippy era and by the mid 1970s sounded somewhat dated. It was often… …

    Contemporary slang

  • 35on the (h)orn — adj British (of a male) having an erection. A very common working class and schoolboy vulgarism of the 1950s and early 1960s, now somewhat dated. Horn has been a synonym for the penis since at least the 18th century …

    Contemporary slang

  • 36ruddy — adj British an inoffensive intensifying adjective, now dated but used extensively from the turn of the 20th century until the mid 1960s as a milder euphemism for bloody …

    Contemporary slang

  • 37stir happy — adj psychologically disturbed as a result of confinement in prison (stir). The notion is sometimes extended to encompass a sense of frustration or hysteria felt in any institutional surroundings. (The less common form stir happy is now dated.) …

    Contemporary slang

  • 38stir crazy/happy — adj psychologically disturbed as a result of confinement in prison (stir). The notion is sometimes extended to encompass a sense of frustration or hysteria felt in any institutional surroundings. (The less common form stir happy is now dated.) …

    Contemporary slang

  • 39together — adj in control of oneself, well organised, adjusted, collected. Derived from the phrase get it together, this became a catchword of the late 1960s and early 1970s, designating an approved state of self possession, inner harmony, etc.; the antonym …

    Contemporary slang

  • 40uptight — adj 1. tense, repressed, humourless, unrelaxed. A black slang term which is probably in origin a short form of wound up tight or screwed up tight . The term was adopted into the hippy vocabulary to express the unliberated, repressed… …

    Contemporary slang