adherence (noun)

  • 111textuality — noun 1》 the quality or use of language characteristic of written works as opposed to spoken usage. 2》 strict adherence to a text …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 112acceptance — noun 1) the acceptance of an award Syn: receipt, receiving, taking, obtaining 2) the acceptance of responsibility Syn: undertaking, assumption 3) acceptances to an invitation Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 113compliance — noun 1) compliance with international law Syn: obedience to, observance of, adherence to, conformity to, respect for Ant: violation 2) he mistook her silence for compliance Syn: acquiescence …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 114dedication — noun 1) athletic excellence requires dedication Syn: commitment, application, diligence, industry, resolve, enthusiasm, zeal, conscientiousness, perseverance, persistence, tenacity, drive, staying power; hard work, effort A …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 115devotion — noun 1) her devotion to her husband Syn: loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, constancy, commitment, adherence, allegiance, dedication; fondness, love, admiration, affection, care 2) a life of devotion Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 116goodness — noun 1) she must have seen some goodness in him Syn: virtue, good, righteousness, morality, integrity, rectitude; honesty, truth, truthfulness, honor, probity; propriety, decency, respectability, nobility, worthiness, worth …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 117loyalty — noun my grandparents never doubted each other s loyalty Syn: allegiance, faithfulness, obedience, adherence, homage, devotion; steadfastness, staunchness, trueheartedness, dependability, reliability, trustworthiness, duty, dedication, commitment; …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 118observance — noun 1) elders responsible for the correct observance of sacred rites Syn: compliance with, adherence to, accordance with, respect for, observation of, obedience to; keeping of, obeying of, fulfillment of, following of, honoring of; archaic… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 119observation — noun 1) the patient has been brought in for observation whatever the reason, many people are irrationally afraid of snakes, and this makes for poor observation Syn: monitoring, watching, scrutiny, examination, inspection, survey, surveillance,… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 120allegiance — noun Syn: loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, obedience, adherence, devotion Ant: disloyalty, treachery …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary