actions ex delicto

  • 1In pari delicto — (full, but rarely used form In pari delicto potior est conditio possidentis ) [ [ pari delicto doctrine.html in pari delicto doctrine definition ] ] , Latin for in equal fault, is a legal term used… …


  • 2ex delicto — ex de·lic·to / eks di lik tō, dā lēk tō/ adj [Latin, of or by reason of a wrong]: arising from or based on a tort or delict (as a breach of duty) the action is ex delicto compare ex contractu Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster …

    Law dictionary

  • 3action ex delicto — An action arising out of the violation of a duty or obligation created by positive law independent of contract. 1 Am J2d Actions § 8. There may be a duty imposed by law by the relation of the parties, although the relation was created by contract …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 4common-law actions — Forms of actions as they existed under the common law, being the ex contractu forms of account, assumpsit, covenant, and debt, and the ex delicto forms of dentine, replevin, trover, trespass on the case, ejectment, forcible entry, and trespass.… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 5personal actions — Action brought for the specific recovery of goods and chattels, or for damages or other redress for breach of contract or other injuries, of whatever description, the specific recovery of lands, tenements, and hereditaments only excepted. 1 Am… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 6common-law action — A lawsuit governed by the general principles of law derived from court decisions, as opposed to the provisions of statutes. Actions ex contractu, arising out of a breach of contract, and actions ex delicto, based upon the commission of a tort… …

    Law dictionary

  • 7delictum — /dsliktsm/ A delict, tort, wrong, injury, or offense. Actions ex delicto are such as are founded on a tort, as distinguished from actions on contract. Culpability, blameworthiness, or legal delinquency. The word occurs in this sense in the maxim …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 8delictum — /dsliktsm/ A delict, tort, wrong, injury, or offense. Actions ex delicto are such as are founded on a tort, as distinguished from actions on contract. Culpability, blameworthiness, or legal delinquency. The word occurs in this sense in the maxim …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 9delictum — A wrongful act; a tortious act; a criminal act; a misdemeanor. See 3 Bl Comm 117. See actions ex delicto; ex delicto …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 10Liste de locutions latines — Cet article contient une liste de locutions latines présentée par ordre alphabétique. Pour des explications morphologiques et linguistiques générales, consulter l article : Expression latine. Sommaire  A   B … …

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