abolish a law

  • 71abate — /ə bāt/ vb abat·ed, abat·ing [Old French abattre, literally, to knock down, from a , prefix stressing result + battre to beat] vt 1 a: to put an end to or do away with abate a nuisance b: make void: null …

    Law dictionary

  • 72rescind — re·scind /ri sind/ vb [Latin rescindere to cut loose, annul, from re away, back + scindere to cut, split] vt 1: to take back and make void rescind ed its suspension of his license 2: to abrogate (a contract or transaction) by mutual agreement,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 73vacate — va·cate vb va·cat·ed, va·cat·ing vt 1: to make void: annul set aside vacate a lower court order 2 a: to make vacant b: to give up the occupancy of vi: to vacate an office, post, or tenancy …

    Law dictionary

  • 74cancel — can·cel vt celed or celled, cel·ing, or, cel·ling 1: to destroy the force, validity, or effectiveness of: as a: to render (one s will or a provision in one s will) ineffective by purposely making marks through or otherwise marring the text of… …

    Law dictionary

  • 75revoke — re·voke /ri vōk/ vt re·voked, re·vok·ing: to annul by recalling or taking back: as a: to destroy the effectiveness of (a will) by executing another or by an act of destruction (as tearing or crossing out) b: to put an end to (a trust) c: to… …

    Law dictionary

  • 76vitiate — vi·ti·ate / vi shē ˌāt/ vt at·ed, at·ing: to make ineffective fraud vitiate s a contract Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …

    Law dictionary

  • 77supersede — su·per·sede /ˌsü pər sēd/ vt sed·ed, sed·ing 1: to subject to postponement or suspension; esp: to suspend the operation of (a judgment or order) by means of a supersedeas 2: to take the place of in authority: preempt override 3: to take the place …

    Law dictionary

  • 78destroy — I (efface) verb abort, annihilate, blast, blight, blot out, break to pieces, bring to ruin, burn, consume, corrode, deal destruction, decimate, deface, demolish, desolate, destruct, destruere, devastate, devour, diruere, disintegrate, dissolve,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 79extinguish — ex·tin·guish vt 1: to cause the nonexistence of: do away with 2: to cause (as a claim or right) to be void: nullify 3: to get rid of (a debt or other liability) by payment or other compensatory adjustment ex·tin·guish·able adj …

    Law dictionary

  • 80nullify — nul·li·fy / nə lə ˌfī/ vt fied, fy·ing: to make null nullify a contract Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. nullify …

    Law dictionary