a smear of oil

  • 1oil — n 1. lubricant, lubricator, Inf. lube, Pharm. oleum, petrolatum, petroleum jelly, Trademark. Vaseline, baby oil; Chem. glycerol, Chem. glycerin; graphite, plumago, black lead; mineral oil, vegetable oil, olive oil, corn oil, cod liver oil; grease …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 2oil up — verb to lubricate with oil, to cover or smear with oil Tom oiled up his chain and set out with a dozen miles yet to go before he would reach a good road. He had not ridden more than a mile before he met a farmers boy on a bicycle. The boy stopped …


  • 3smear´er — smear «smihr», verb, noun, adjective. –v.t. 1. to cover or stain with anything sticky, grease or dirty: »She smeared her fingers with jam. 2. to rub or spread (oil, grease, or paint): »to smear paint on one s hands. 3. to rub or wipe (a brush,… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 4Smear — (sm[=e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Smeared} (sm[=e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Smearing}.] [OE. smeren, smerien, AS. smierwan, smyrwan, fr. smeoru fat, grease; akin to D. smeren, OHG. smirwen, G. schmieren, Icel. smyrja to anoint. See {Smear}, n.] 1. To… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 5oil — [oil] n. [ME oile < OFr < L oleum, oil, olive oil < Gr elaion, (olive) oil, akin to elaia,OLIVE] 1. any of various kinds of greasy, combustible substances obtained from animal, vegetable, and mineral sources: oils are liquid at ordinary… …

    English World dictionary

  • 6smear — (v.) O.E. smerian to anoint or rub with grease, oil, etc., from P.Gmc. *smerthan (Cf. O.N. smyrva, Dan. smère, Swed. smörja, Du. smeren, O.H.G. smirwen, Ger. schmieren to smear ), from PIE *smeru grease (Cf. Gk. myron …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 7oil — vb Oil, grease, lubricate, anoint, cream all mean to smear or treat with an oily, fatty, or greasy substance, but they vary greatly in their implications of the substance used and the purpose for which it is employed and in their idiomatic… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 8Oil — Oil, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Oiled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Oiling}.] To smear or rub over with oil; to lubricate with oil; to anoint with oil. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 9oil — [v] lubricate anoint, coat, grease, lard, lube, pomade, slick, smear; concepts 172,256 Ant. dry …

    New thesaurus

  • 10smear — [[t]smɪ͟ə(r)[/t]] smears, smearing, smeared 1) VERB If you smear a surface with an oily or sticky substance or smear the substance onto the surface, you spread a layer of the substance over the surface. [V n with n] My sister smeared herself with …

    English dictionary