Van Gogh

  • 61Impressionism , Powell-Jones Mark (2011)
    The Impressionists were scorned by the establishment during their lifetime, yet they are now among the most popular artists of all time. This volume includes the work of some of the best known… 776 руб

  • 62Spotlight on Literature B. Student's Book
    Includes four chapters, two projects and two grammar tests plus an appendix of references. Extracts from Edgar Allen Poe, Vincent van Gogh, Carmen Graciela Di&# 225;z and A. C. Gonzalez. Integrated… 519 руб

  • 63Printmaking in Paris: The Rage for Prints at the Fin De Siecle , Carvalho Rosa de (2013)
    In the years between 1890 and 1905, Paris witnessed a revolution in printmaking. Before this time, prints had primarily served reproductive or political ends, but, as the century came to a close… 4763 руб

  • 64Dutch in ihree Months , Jane Fenoulhet (2011)
    Learn to speak Dutch fast with this practical and proven course for beginners. Learn to speak Dutch in three short months with Hugo's world-renowned language course, "Hugo in 3 Months: Dutch" . It… 1029 руб

  • 65Toulouse-Lautrec&His World , Maria-Christina Boerner (2012)
    The Belle Е poque (Beautiful Era), which dates from the late nineteenth century to the start of World War I, was an incredible period of creative and scientific activity. Until his death in 1901 at… 466 руб

  • 66The Hermitage, Leningrad: French 19th century masters (1968)
    This exciting new volume on the Hermitage Museum, Leningrad, contains ninety full-colour reproductions from one of the most outstanding collections of modern art in the world. In this volume alone… 160 руб

  • 67Edvard Munch: Graphik , Werner Timm (1969)
    Neben Cezanne, Gauguin und van Gogh zahlt der Norweger Edvard Munch zu den Wegbereitern der Kunstunseres Jahrhunderts;nachst Toulouse-Lautrec hat er das an Umfang und Rang bedeutendste graphische… 1700 руб

  • 68Famous Artists sticker book (2018)
    Presents an interactive way of finding out about the lives and work of some of the world's most famous artists. This title is packed with information about the biggest names in art, including Van… 709 руб

  • 69L'Oeuvre , Zola Emile (2006)
    Camarade de jeunesse de C&# 233;zanne, ami et d&# 233;fenseur de Manet et des impressionnistes, Zola a r&# 233;sum&# 233; dans L'&# 338;uvre toute son exp&# 233;rience du milieu et des probl&#… 764 руб

  • 70Colour and Culture: Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction , John Gage (2012)
    Unfamiliar texts from all periods are featured, from the treatise that inspired Van Gogh to physicians' scales of hair and urine colours, and fresh light is thrown on the hidden meanings of many… 5390 руб