
  • 1Caravaggio (2015)
    Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571–1610) was always a name to be reckoned with. Notorious bad boy of the Italian Baroque, the artist was at once celebrated and controversial, violent in… 1028 руб

  • 2Caravaggio , Gilles Lambert (2015)
    Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571 1610) was always a name to be reckoned with. Notorious bad boy of the Italian Baroque, the artist was at once celebrated and controversial, violent in temper… 1342 грн (только Украина)

  • 3Caravaggio , Vodret Rossella (2010)
    400 years after the death of Caravaggio, some of the worlds most illustrious art historians comment on an extraordinary collection of 25 of his works. How is it possible that an artist who lived over… 4223 руб

  • 4Caravaggio , Marini Francesca (2010)
    Skira Mini ARTbooks is a pocket-sized series, conveniently priced, very practical and with lots of images dedicated to single international artists, artistic movements and painting genres. It is… 614 руб

  • 5Caravaggio , Marini Francesca (2010)
    Skira Mini ARTbooks is a pocket-sized series, conveniently priced, very practical and with lots of images dedicated to single international artists, artistic movements and painting genres. It is… 737 грн (только Украина)

  • 6Caravaggio , Papa Rodolfo (2008)
    Dall'apprendistato in terra lombarda al successo di Roma, dal processo per omicidio alla fuga e all'inevitabile condanna alla pena capitale, fino alla morte avvenuta su di una spiaggia in circostanze… 1463 руб

  • 7Caravaggio , Felix Witting, M. L. Patrizi (2012)
    It was not until the middle of the 20th century that Caravaggio, an Italian painter long considered controversial, was rediscovered. An advocate of Realism, this artist of the Counter-Reformation… 809 руб

  • 8Caravaggio , Papa Rodolfo (2008)
    Dall`apprendistato in terra lombarda al successo di Roma, dal processo per omicidio alla fuga e all`inevitabile condanna alla pena capitale, fino alla morte avvenuta su di una spiaggia in circostanze… 1893 грн (только Украина)

  • 9Caravaggio , Renate Bergerhoff (1971)
    Альбом посвящен творчеству итальянского художника, реформатора европейской живописи XVII века, одного из… 120 руб

  • 10Caravaggio , Vasile Nicolescu (1983)
    Альбом посвящен творчеству итальянского художника, реформатора европейской живописи XVII века, одного из… 280 руб