(to) retrace

  • 1Requiem Pour L'est , Andrei Makine (2007)
    "Je me savais a present incapable de dire la verite de notre temps. Je n`etais ni un temoin objectif, ni un historien, ni surtout un sage moraliste. Je pouvais tout simplement reprendre ce recit… 1129 руб

  • 2Bel-Ami , Guy de Maupassant (2013)
    Bel-Ami est un roman realiste de Guy de Maupassant publie en 1885 sous forme de feuilleton dans Gil Blas et dont l’action se deroule a Paris au XIXe siecle. Ce roman retrace l’ascension sociale… 265 руб

  • 3Treasures in Gold , Gianni Guadalupi (2008)
    Precious metal and stone work is common to all the peoples on Earth, but in diverse forms depending on historical period and geographical location and has produced products of rare beauty through the… 4428 руб

  • 4L'affaire Lemoine , Marcel Proust (2006)
    Sombre histoire d'extorsion de fonds, L'affaire Lemoine met en sc&# 232;ne un c&# 233;l&# 232;bre diamantaire trop cr&# 233;dule aux prises avec un ing&# 233;nieur&# 233;lectricien aussi malin que… 259 руб

  • 5The Earth and Sky of Jacques Dorme , Makine A. (2010)
    In present-day France a Russian writer recalls his harsh childhood at a Stalingrad orphanage in the 1960s and the old Frenchwoman, a family friend, whose tales fed his dreams of a better world. One… 414 руб

  • 6Tom Sawyer Abroad&Tom Sawyer, Detective , Twain Mark (2009)
    Following on from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and" Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" Tom Sawyer Abroad became one of Mark Twain's most popular books. Again we meet his world famous characters: Tom… 401 руб

  • 7Le Misanthrope , Moliere (2012)
    Alceste combat "l'art de plaire&# 224; la Cour" et l'hypocrisie des hommes, mais succombe aux charmes de C&# 233;lim&# 232;ne, une veuve coquette et m&# 233;disante. Dans cette com&# 233;die de… 381 руб

  • 8Une Vie (+ CD) , Guy de Maupassant (1994)
    Une vie, comme son titre l'indique, retrace l'existence du personnage principal, Jeanne, jeune femme reveuse, sensible et ingenue. Apres une adolescence insouciante et nourrie de romantisme, Jeanne… 1139 руб

  • 9The Earth and Sky of Jacques Dorme , Makine Andrei (2015)
    In present-day France a Russian writer recalls his harsh childhood at a Stalingrad orphanage in the 1960s and the old Frenchwoman, a family friend, whose tales fed his dreams of a better world. One… 1142 руб

  • 10The Mask of Dimitrios , Ambler Eric (2009)
    English crime novelist Charles Latimer is travelling in Istanbul when he makes the acquaintance of Turkish police inspector Colonel Haki. It is from him that he first hears of the mysterious… 893 руб