
  • 81leptocephalus — the transparent ribbon or leaf like larvae with large teeth and a far back anus in certain primitive Teleostomi, e.g. Congridae, Anguillidae, Albulidae, Elopidae and Notacanthidae. The larvae first grow, then shrink prior to metamorphosis …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 82macula neglecta — a sensory structure located in Teleostomi in the utriculus of the inner ear near the opening of the ampulla of the posterior vertical semicircular canal, in selachians within a duct (posterior canal duct) through which the posterior vertical… …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 83Mauthner's neuron — one of the two giant neurons linked to parts of the acoustico lateralis, optic, and cerebellar systems, and to somatic motor neurons by way of decussating (intersecting) giant nerve fibres that run the length of the spinal chord. This short… …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 84Mauthner's xon — one of the two giant neurons linked to parts of the acoustico lateralis, optic, and cerebellar systems, and to somatic motor neurons by way of decussating (intersecting) giant nerve fibres that run the length of the spinal chord. This short… …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 85membranous labyrinth — the semicircular canals and the appended otosac. The canals and chambers are filled with endolymph and surrounded by perilymph. The membranous labyrinth is enclosed in cartilage in Cyclostomata and Elasmobranchii, in several bones in Teleostomi,… …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 86mesopterygium — (plural mesopterygia)) the median, elongated basal cartilage of the pectoral fins in Elasmobranchii, Holocephali and primitive Teleostomi …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 87nuchal — 1) pertaining to the nape; (plural nuchalia) 2) extrascapula (one of a series of small bones bordering the posterior margin of the skull roof in primitive Teleostomi. They apparently originate from enlarged scales. One of 2 8 bones known… …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 88operculum — (plural opercula)) the flap externally closing the gill chamber and usually supported in Teleostomi by the opercle, propercle, subopercle and interopercle; the gill cover. In some definitions, synonymous with the opercular membrane …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 89opisthure — 1) the tip of the vertebral column which protrudes beyond the caudal fin, e.g. in larval Elasmobranchii 2) urostyle (1) the small upturned posterior tip of the vertebral column, generally formed of a slender, pointed rod of cartilage, or fused… …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 90os articulare — (plural ossa articularia)) articular (the deep, endochondral bone of primitive acanthopterygians in the middle of the lower jaw between the dentary and the angular (or retroarticular) which articulates with the quadrate. It is later invaded by… …

    Dictionary of ichthyology