Aggregate demand

Aggregate demand

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Aggregate demand" в других словарях:

  • aggregate demand — ➔ demand * * *    Total demand for goods and services in an economy. Everything that is consumed by households or governments, exported, or used as an investment good to produce other products. It comprises:     consumption by households    … …   Financial and business terms

  • Aggregate demand — This article is about a concept in macroeconomics. For microeconomic demand aggregated over consumers, see Demand curve. In macroeconomics, aggregate demand (AD) is the total demand for final goods and services in the economy (Y) at a given time… …   Wikipedia

  • Aggregate Demand — The total amount of goods and services demanded in the economy at a given overall price level and in a given time period. It is represented by the aggregate demand curve, which describes the relationship between price levels and the quantity of… …   Investment dictionary

  • aggregate demand — The sum of demands for all the goods and services in an economy at any particular time. Made a central concept in macroeconomics by J. M. Keynes (1883 1946), it is usually defined as the sum of consumers expenditure (see consumption), investment …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • aggregate demand — /ˌægrɪgət dɪ mɑ:nd/ noun total demand for goods and services from all sectors of the economy, such as individuals, companies and the government ● Economists are studying the recent fall in aggregate demand. ● As incomes have risen, so has… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • aggregate demand — /ˌægrɪgət dɪ mɑ:nd/ noun total demand for goods and services from all sectors of the economy, such as individuals, companies and the government ● Economists are studying the recent fall in aggregate demand. ● As incomes have risen, so has… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • aggregate demand — total market demand for goods and services …   English contemporary dictionary

  • steady budget policy promoting aggregate demand and employment — ilgalaikė visuminę paklausą ir užimtumą skatinanti biudžeto politika statusas Aprobuotas sritis biudžetas apibrėžtis Biudžeto politika, kai nuosekliai (kiekvienais metais) biudžeto politikos priemonėmis vykdomas stipresnis nei esant neutraliajai… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • steady budget policy promoting aggregate demand and employment trend indicator — ilgalaikės visuminę paklausą ir užimtumą skatinančios biudžeto politikos rodiklis statusas Aprobuotas sritis biudžetas apibrėžtis Piniginiais vienetais išreiškiamas šio įstatymo 5 straipsnyje nustatyta tvarka apskaičiuojamas biudžeto politikos… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Demand-pull inflation — Aggregate Demand increasing faster than production. Demand pull inflation is asserted to arise when aggregate demand in an economy outpaces aggregate supply. It involves inflation rising as real gross domestic product rises and unemployment falls …   Wikipedia

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