- Ye Jacobites by Name
"Ye Jacobites by Name" — традиционная народная шотландская песня XVIII века, появившаяся в Шотландии во времена восстаний якобитов (англ.)русск. (1688-1746). Оригинальная версия, отражающая точку зрения вигов, просто содержала нападки на якобитов. Роберт Бёрнс примерно в 1791 году переписал её, с целью получить песню с более гуманным, антивоенным содержанием. Его версия сегодня наиболее распространена.[1][2] В Индексе народных песен Роуда песня находится под номером 5517.
Песня была опубликована Джеймсом Джонсоном в сборнике Scots Musical Museum в 1792 году (№ 371) и Джеймсом Хоггом в Jacobite Reliques в 1817 году (№ 34). Она также присутствует в сборнике шотландских песен Эвана МакКолла Personal Choice. Мелодия взята из песни Гектора Макнилла "My Love's in Germany".
Оригинальный текст
You Jacobites by Name, lend an ear, lend an ear,
You Jacobites by Name, lend an ear;
You Jacobites by Name,
Your thoughts I will proclaim,
Some says you are to blame for this Wear.With the Pope you covenant, as they say, as they say,
With the Pope you covenant, as they say,
With the Pope you covenant,
And Letters there you sent,
Which made your Prince present to array.Your Prince and Duke o'Perth, where they go, where they go,
Your Prince and Duke o'Perth, where they go,
Your Prince and Duke o'Perth,
They're Cumb'rers o' the Earth,
Causing great Hunger and Dearth where they go.He is the King of Reef, I'll declare, I'll declare,
He is the King of Reef, I'll declare,
He is the King of Reef,
Of a Robber and o' Thief,
To rest void of Relief when he's near.They marched thro' our Land cruelly, cruelly,
They marched thro' our Land cruelly,
They marched thro' our Land
With a bloody thievish Band
To Edinburgh then they wan Treachery.To Preston then they came, in a Rout, in a Rout,
To Preston then they came, in a Rout;
To Preston then they came,
Brave Gard'ner murd'red then.
A Traitor did command, as we doubt.To England then they went, as bold, as bold,
To England then they went, as bold;
To England then they went,
And Carlisle they ta'en't,
The Crown they fain would ha'en't, but behold.To London as they went, on the Way, on the Way,
To London as they went, on the way,
To London as they went,
In a Trap did there present,
No battle they will stent, for to die.They turned from that Place, and they ran, and they ran,
They turned from that Place, and they ran;
They turned from that Place
As the Fox, when Hounds do chace.
They tremble at the Name, Cumberlan'.To Scotland then they came, when they fly, when they fly,
To Scotland then they came, when they fly,
To Scotland then they came,
And they robb'd on every Hand,
By Jacobites Command, where they ly.When Duke William does command, you must go, you must go;
When Duke William does command, you must go;
When Duke William does command,
Then you must leave the Land,
Your Conscience in your Hand like a Crow.Tho' Carlisle ye took by the Way, by the Way;
Tho' Carlisle ye took by the Way;
Tho' Carlisle ye took,
Short Space ye did it Brook,
These Rebels got a Rope on a Day.The Pope and Prelacy, where they came, where they came,
The Pope and Prelacy, where they came;
The Pope and Prelacy,
They rul'd with Cruelty,
They ought to hing on high for the same.Переложение Роберта Бёрнса
Эта версия и фигурирует в сборниках Джонсона, Хогга и МакКолла.
Ye Jacobites by name, give an ear, give an ear,
Ye Jacobites by name, give an ear,
Ye Jacobites by name,
Your fautes I will proclaim,
Your doctrines I maun blame, you shall hear.What is Right, and What is Wrang, by the law, by the law?
What is Right and what is Wrang by the law?
What is Right, and what is Wrang?
A weak arm and a strang,
A short sword, and a lang, for to draw.What makes heroic strife, famed afar, famed afar?
What makes heroic strife famed afar?
What makes heroic strife?
To whet th' assassin's knife,
Or haunt a Parent's life, wi' bluidy war?Then let your schemes alone, in the state, in the state,
Then let your schemes alone in the state.
So let your schemes alone,
Adore the rising sun,
And leave a man undone, to his fate.Известные записи
- 1969 — The Johnstons — The Barley Corn.
- 1971 — The Corries — Live at the Royal Lyceum.
- 1972 — Tri Yann — Tri Yann an Naoned (дебютный альбом).
- 1995 — Seven Nations (англ.)русск. (тогда известные как Clan Na Gael) — Old Ground.
- 1996 — Билли Брэгг — песня "Thatcherites" с изменённым текстом, в мини-альбоме Bloke on Bloke.
- 1997 — Fiddler's Green — On and On, песня "Jacobites".
- 1998 — Connemara Stone Company (нем.)русск. — For One Irland.
- 1999 — Beth Patterson — Hybrid Vigor, исполняется на ирландском бузуки (англ.)русск..
- 2003 — Эдди Ридер (англ.)русск. — The Songs Of Robert Burns.
- 2005 — Quilty, шведская группа — I'm Here Because I'm Here.
- 2005 — Clann Lir, российская фолк-группа — Clann Lir.
- 2007 — Beltaine (англ.)русск., польская группа — KoncenTrad.
- 2008 — Tempest (англ.)русск. — Prime Cuts.
- 2008 — Clachán — Clachán.
- 2010 — Sherwood — Sweet Joan.
- ↑ chivalry.com, Ye Jacobites By Name
- ↑ mysongbook.de
Категории:- Песни XVIII века
- Песни по алфавиту
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