- University of Illinois Press
University of Illinois Press (UIP) — крупное американское университетское издательство, основанное в 1918 году и являющееся частью Иллинойского университета в Урбана-Шампейн.
Публикуемые издательством научные журналы
- American Journal of Play
- American Journal of Psychology
- American Journal of Theology & Philosophy
- American Literary Realism
- American Music
- American Philosophical Quarterly
- Beethoven Forum
- Black Music Research Journal
- Black Women, Gender & Families
- Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education
- Dance Research Journal
- Ethnomusicology
- Feminist Teacher
- History of Philosophy Quarterly
- Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association
- Journal of Aesthetic Education
- Journal of American Ethnic History
- Journal of American Folklore
- Journal for the Anthropological Study of Human Movement
- Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
- Journal of Education Finance
- Journal of English and Germanic Philology
- Journal of Film and Video
- Journal of Seventeenth Century Music
- Music and the Moving Image
- Perspectives on Work
- Radical Teacher
- The Pluralist
- Public Affairs Quarterly
- State Politics and Policy Quarterly
- Visual Arts Research
- World History Connected
Категории:- Появились в 1918 году
- Иллинойский университет в Урбана-Шампейн
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