- Саква Р.
Ричард Саква (англ. Richard Sakwa; р. 1953) — британский политолог. Профессор факультета политологии и международных отношений Кентского университета. Известный специалист по изучению политических процессов, происходящих в России.
Член международного дискуссионного клуба «Валдай».
- Commune state in Moscow in 1918, 1987
- Gorbachev and the new soviet foreign policy, 1988
- Soviet communists in power : a study of Moscow during the Civil War, 1918-21, 1988
- Commune democracy & Gorbachev’s reforms, 1989
- Soviet Politics : An Introduction, 1989
- Gorbachev and his reforms, 1985—1990, 1990
- Revolution of 1991 in Russia : interpretations of the Moscow coup, 1992
- Struggle for Russia : power and change in the democratic revolution, 1993 (ed)
- Russian Politics and Society, 2008
- Development of the Russian party system, 1995
- Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the electoral process, 1996
- Russian politics and society 2nd edition, 1996
- Regime system in Russia, 1997
- Soviet politics in perspective, 1998
- What is Russia?, 1998
- The Rise and fall of the Soviet Union, 1917—1991, 1999
- Посткоммунизм (Postcommunism), 1999
- Contemporary Europe, 2000 (ed)
- Transition in post-communist states: triple or quadruple?, 2001
- Russian politics and society 3rd edition, 2002
- Contextualizing secession : normative studies in comparative perspective, 2003 (ed)
- Путин: Выбор России (Putin: Russia’s choice), 2004 [1]
- Chaechnya : From Past to Future, 2005
- Developments in Russian politics 6, 2005 (ed)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.