- Fujita
- Fujita
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Японские имена. Словарь значений..
Fujita — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Fujita Akira (1908–2001), japanischer Wasserballspieler Atsushi Fujita (* 1976), japanischer Langstreckenläufer Etsuji Fujita (* 1961), japanischer Wasserballspieler Fujita Goro (1844–1915), japanischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fujita — (藤田) is a common family name in Japan. It may also refer to the following.*Atsushi Fujita (born 1976), a Japanese long distance runner *Emi Fujita (born 1963), a Japanese singer *Fujita zaibatsu, a Japanese Osaka based zaibatsu *Kazuyuki Fujita… … Wikipedia
Fujita — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Fujita (藤田, Fujita?) est un nom cou … Wikipédia en Français
Fujita (company) — Fujita (藤田) was the name of a Japanese zaibatsu based in Osaka. Its founder is Densaburo Fujita. He built the foundation of Fujita zaibatsu by producing military goods during Satsuma Rebellion and rapidly expanded his business to construction,… … Wikipedia
Fujita Kanko Washington Hotel Asahikawa — (Асахикава,Япония) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес … Каталог отелей
Fujita scale — [fo͞o jēt′ə] n. 〚after T. T. Fujita (1920 98), U.S. meteorologist who devised it〛 a numerical scale for measuring the wind speed and corresponding destructive power of a tornado, ranging from F0 (40 72 mph) to F6 (319 380 mph): see the Tornado… … Universalium
Fujita scale — [fo͞o jēt′ə] n. [after T. T. Fujita (1920 98), U.S. meteorologist who devised it] a numerical scale for measuring the wind speed and corresponding destructive power of a tornado, ranging from F0 (40 72 mph) to F6 (319 380 mph): see the Tornado… … English World dictionary
Fujita Kanko Washington Hotel Asahikawa — (Асахикава,Япония) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: 070 0030 Хоккайдо … Каталог отелей
Fujita scale — /foo jēˈtə skāl/ noun A scale for the force of tornados, from F0 for the weakest to F5 for the strongest ORIGIN: T T Fujita (1920–98) Japanese born US meteorologist … Useful english dictionary
Fujita scale — F scale redirects here. For other uses, see F scale (disambiguation). Fujita scale F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 … Wikipedia