Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion.
- Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion.
Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion (he had divorced his wife «because I would have the chastity of my wife clear even of suspicion»).
Русская мысль и речь. Свое и чужое. Опыт русской фразеологии. Сборник образных слов и иносказаний. Т.Т. 1—2. Ходячие и меткие слова. Сборник русских и иностранных цитат, пословиц, поговорок, пословичных выражений и отдельных слов. СПб., тип. Ак. наук..
М. И. Михельсон.
Смотреть что такое "Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion." в других словарях:
Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion — Julius Caesar replied thus (according to Plutarch) when asked why he had divorced his wife Pompeia. He considered his honour and position compromised, since she was indirectly associated with Publius Clodius’ trial for sacrilege. Cf. 1580 LYLY… … Proverbs new dictionary
Helena, wife of Julian — Helena (d. 360) was the wife of Julian the Apostate, Roman Emperor. She was briefly his Empress consort when Julian was proclaimed Augustus by his troops in 360. She died prior to the resolution of his conflict with Constantius II. [Prosopography … Wikipedia
жена Цезаря(кесаря) выше подозрений — Ср. Добродетельна Татьяна Дмитриевна по классическому правилу, что жена Цезаря не должна быть подозреваема, а Цезарем почитает она мужа своего, который имел от роду не более сорока лет, давно тайный советник. Маркевич. Из петерб. жизни. Почему… … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона
Жена Цезаря выше подозрений — Жена Цезаря (Кесаря) выше подозрѣній. Ср. Добродѣтельна Татьяна Дмитріевна по классическому правилу, что жена Цезаря не должна быть подозрѣваема, а Цезаремъ почитаетъ она мужа своего, который имѣлъ отъ роду не болѣе сорока лѣтъ, давно Тайный… … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index — absence absence makes the heart grow fonder he who is absent is always in the wrong the best of friends must part blue are the hills that are far away distance lends enchantment to the view out of sight, out of mind … Proverbs new dictionary
United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… … Universalium
Rex Stout — Infobox Writer name = Rex Stout caption = Rex Stout in 1975 (Jill Krementz) birthdate = December 1 1886 birthplace = Noblesville, Indiana deathdate = October 27 1975 deathplace = Danbury, Connecticut occupation = Writer genre = Detective fiction… … Wikipedia
ancient Rome — ▪ ancient state, Europe, Africa, and Asia Introduction the state centred on the city of Rome. This article discusses the period from the founding of the city and the regal period, which began in 753 BC, through the events leading to the… … Universalium
France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… … Universalium
Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… … Universalium