Enough is good as a feast.
- Enough is good as a feast.
Русская мысль и речь. Свое и чужое. Опыт русской фразеологии. Сборник образных слов и иносказаний. Т.Т. 1—2. Ходячие и меткие слова. Сборник русских и иностранных цитат, пословиц, поговорок, пословичных выражений и отдельных слов. СПб., тип. Ак. наук..
М. И. Михельсон.
Смотреть что такое "Enough is good as a feast." в других словарях:
enough is as good as a feast — ► enough is as good as a feast proverb moderation is more satisfying than excess. Main Entry: ↑enough … English terms dictionary
enough is as good as a feast — c 1375 J. BARBOUR Bruce (EETS) XIV. 363 He maid thame na gud fest, perfay [truly], And nocht for thi [nevertheless] yneuch had thai. c 1470 MALORY Morte d’Arthur (1967) I. 246 Inowghe is as good as a feste. 1546 J. HEYWOOD Dialogue of Proverbs II … Proverbs new dictionary
Enough is as good as a feast. — British, old fashioned something that you say which means you should not have more of something than you need. No, thank you, nothing more to drink for me. Enough is as good as a feast … New idioms dictionary
enough is as good as a feast — blessed be he who is contented with little; I have enough … English contemporary dictionary
enough — ► DETERMINER & PRONOUN ▪ as much or as many as is necessary or desirable. ► ADVERB 1) to the required degree or extent. 2) to a moderate degree. ● enough is as good as a feast Cf. ↑enough is as good as a feast ● … English terms dictionary
Feast — (f[=e]st), n. [OE. feste festival, holiday, feast, OF. feste festival, F. f[^e]te, fr. L. festum, pl. festa, fr. festus joyful, festal; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Fair}, n., {Festal}, {F[^e]te}.] 1. A festival; a holiday; a solemn, or more… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Feast day — Feast Feast (f[=e]st), n. [OE. feste festival, holiday, feast, OF. feste festival, F. f[^e]te, fr. L. festum, pl. festa, fr. festus joyful, festal; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Fair}, n., {Festal}, {F[^e]te}.] 1. A festival; a holiday; a solemn, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Enough — E*nough , n. A sufficiency; a quantity which satisfies desire, is adequate to the want, or is equal to the power or ability; as, he had enough to do take care of himself. Enough is as good as a feast. [1913 Webster] And Esau said, I have enough,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
enough is enough — From its older use as an expression of content or satisfaction (cf. enough is as good as a feast), this is now frequently used as a reprimand, warning someone off from persisting in an inappropriate or excessive course of action. 1546 J. HEYWOOD… … Proverbs new dictionary
enough — adj., n., adv., & int. adj. as much or as many as required (we have enough apples; we do not have enough sugar; earned enough money to buy a house). n. an amount or quantity that is enough (we have enough of everything now; enough is as good as a … Useful english dictionary