nubibus — See in nubibus … Ballentine's law dictionary
in nubibus — /in n(y)uwbabas/ In the clouds; in abeyance; in custody of law. @ in nubibus, in mare, in terra, vel in custodia legis in the air, sea, or earth, or in the custody of the law. In case of abeyance, the inheritance is figuratively said to rest in… … Black's law dictionary
in nubibus — /in n(y)uwbabas/ In the clouds; in abeyance; in custody of law. @ in nubibus, in mare, in terra, vel in custodia legis in the air, sea, or earth, or in the custody of the law. In case of abeyance, the inheritance is figuratively said to rest in… … Black's law dictionary
in nubibus — see in prep … Useful english dictionary
Plus valet in manibus passer, quam in nubibus anser. — См. Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки! … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
in nubibus — adverb a) In a state of suspension; nebulous and unfulfilled. b) In abeyance … Wiktionary
tails res, vel tale rectum, quae vel quod non est in nomine adtunc superstite sed tantummodo est et consistit in consideratione et intelligentia legis, et quod alii dixerunt talem rem vel tale rectum fore in nubibus — /teylas riyz, vel teyliy rektam, kwiy vel kwod non est in homaniy xdtarjk s(y)uwparstatiy sed taentamowdow est et kansistat in kansidareyshiyowniy et intelajensh(iy)a liyjas, et kwod eyliyay diksirant teylam rem vel teyliy rektam foriy in… … Black's law dictionary
in nubibus — Among the clouds, that is, in abeyance. A term expressive of the status of the inheritance or fee during the period intervening between the creation and the termination of a contingent remainder, meaning in abeyance. 28 Am J2d Est § 223. in nuce … Ballentine's law dictionary
NUBES — in Sacris, a Deo saepius adhibita reperitur, cum Populo suo placuit se manifestare. Inprimis mamorabilis fuit Columna Nubis, quâ Aegyptô egressos Israelitas Deus per desertum duxit. Exod. c. 13. v. 21, 22. Dominus autem praecedebat eos, ad… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
abeyance — abey·ance /ə bā əns/ n [Middle French abeance expectation (of a title or claimant), from abaer to expect, from a , prefix stressing result + baer to gape, aim at] 1: a lapse in the succession of property during which there is no person in whom… … Law dictionary