Legatum — is a privately owned, international investment organisation, headquartered in Dubai, part of the United Arab Emirates. Legatum s primary focus is commercial investment, and has applied its investor s expertise to a long standing involvement in… … Wikipedia
legatum — /lageytam/ Lat. In old English law, a legacy given to the church, or an accustomed mortuary. In the civil law, a legacy; a gift left by a deceased person, to be executed by the heir … Black's law dictionary
legatum — /lageytam/ Lat. In old English law, a legacy given to the church, or an accustomed mortuary. In the civil law, a legacy; a gift left by a deceased person, to be executed by the heir … Black's law dictionary
legatum — (Civil law.) A legacy; a bequest … Ballentine's law dictionary
legatum morte testatoris tantum confirmatur, sicut donatio inter vivos traditione sola — /lageytam mortiy testatoras tsntam konfarmeytar sikat daneysh(iy)ow intar vayvows tradishiyowniy sowla/ A legacy is confirmed by the death of a testator, in the same manner as a gift from a living person is by delivery alone … Black's law dictionary
legatum optionis — /lageytam opshiyownas/ In Roman law, a legacy to A. B. of any article or articles that A. B. liked to choose or select out of the testator s estate. If A. B. died after the testator, but before making the choice or selection, his representative… … Black's law dictionary
legatum morte testatoris tantum confirmatur, sicut donatio inter vivos traditione sola — /lageytam mortiy testatoras tsntam konfarmeytar sikat daneysh(iy)ow intar vayvows tradishiyowniy sowla/ A legacy is confirmed by the death of a testator, in the same manner as a gift from a living person is by delivery alone … Black's law dictionary
legatum optionis — /lageytam opshiyownas/ In Roman law, a legacy to A. B. of any article or articles that A. B. liked to choose or select out of the testator s estate. If A. B. died after the testator, but before making the choice or selection, his representative… … Black's law dictionary
Legatum morte testatoris tantum confirmatur, sicut donatio inter vivos traditione sola — A legacy is confirmed by the death of the testator, just as a gift between living persons is confirmed by delivery alone … Ballentine's law dictionary
Índice de Prosperidad Legatum — El Índice de Prosperidad Legatum es un ranking anual elaborado por el Instituto Legatum. Agrupa a 110 países, de acuerdo a una variedad de factores, entre ellos la riqueza, el crecimiento económico, el bienestar personal y calidad de vida.… … Wikipedia Español