Compositio — (lat.), im deutschen Mittelalter die zur Beilegung der Fehde wegen eines Rechtsbruchs anfänglich auf Grund freien Privatübereinkommens, später nach genau bestimmten Gesetzesvorschriften zu zahlende Strafsumme. Das Strafrecht dieser Zeit beruht,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
compositio — index accommodation (adjustment), arrangement (ordering), composition (makeup), settlement Burton s Legal Thesaurus … Law dictionary
compositio — (s.f.) La compositio concerne l ornatus e consiste nel formare sintatticamente e foneticamente gruppi di parole, frasi e successione di frasi: il gusto nel saper costruire l insieme si chiama aptum. Per quanto riguarda la fonetica, la… … Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani
Compositio Mathematica — (or simply Compositio; print: ISSN 0010 437X, online: ISSN 1570 5846) is a bimonthly peer reviewed mathematics journal established by L.E.J. Brouwer in 1935.[1] It is published by Cambridge University Press. According to the Journal… … Wikipedia
compositio mensurarum — /kompazish(iy)ow menshareram/ The ordinance of measures. The title of an ancient ordinance, not printed, mentioned in the statute 23 Hen. VIII, c. 4; establishing a standard of measures. 1 Bl.Comm. 275 … Black's law dictionary
compositio ulnarum et perticarum — /kompazish(iy)ow alneram at partakeram/ The statute of ells and perches. The title of an English statute establishing a standard of measures. 1 Bl.Comm. 275 … Black's law dictionary
compositio mensurarum — /kompazish(iy)ow menshareram/ The ordinance of measures. The title of an ancient ordinance, not printed, mentioned in the statute 23 Hen. VIII, c. 4; establishing a standard of measures. 1 Bl.Comm. 275 … Black's law dictionary
compositio ulnarum et perticarum — /kompazish(iy)ow alneram at partakeram/ The statute of ells and perches. The title of an English statute establishing a standard of measures. 1 Bl.Comm. 275 … Black's law dictionary
Compositio Mensurarum — The regulation of measures, the name of the earliest English statute which established a standard of weight. This was originally taken from corns or grains of wheat, thirty two of which, by the statute, made a pennyweight, twenty of these an… … Ballentine's law dictionary
compositio ulnarum et perticarum — The regulation of yards and perches, an ancient English statute establishing a standard of linear measure. It provided that an inch should be the length of three grains of a barley, a foot should equal twelve inches, a yard, three feet, and five… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Amicabĭlis compositĭo — (lat.), so v.w. Gütepflege … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon