predicable — I. noun Etymology: Medieval Latin praedicabile, from neuter of praedicabilis Date: 1551 something that may be predicated; especially one of the five most general kinds of attribution in traditional logic that include genus, species, difference,… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Prädikabilien — Prädikabili|en [zu lateinisch praedicabilis »ruhmwürdig«, »preiswürdig«] Plural, griechisch Kategorumena, Philosophie: in der Scholastik Bezeichnung für die fünf aristotelischen logischen Allgemeinbegriffe: Gattung (lateinisch »genus«), Art… … Universal-Lexikon
Predicables — (Lat. praedicabilis, that which may be stated or affirmed, sometimes called quinque voces or five words ) is, in scholastic logic, a term applied to a classification of the possible relations in which a predicate may stand to its subject. The… … Wikipedia
Isagoge — The Isagoge or Introduction to Aristotle s Categories , written by Porphyry in Greek and translated into Latin by Boethius, was the standard textbook on logic for at least a millennium after his death. It was composed by Porphyry in Sicily during … Wikipedia
predicable — predicability, predicableness, n. predicably, adv. /pred i keuh beuhl/, adj. 1. that may be predicated or affirmed; assertable. n. 2. that which may be predicated; an attribute. 3. Logic. any one of the various kinds of predicate that may be used … Universalium
Euploea — Euploea … Wikipedia Español
predicable — [pred′i kə bəl] adj. [ML praedicabilis < L, praiseworthy < praedicare: see PREACH] capable of being predicated n. 1. something predicable 2. Logic any of the several sorts of predicate that can be used of a subject, as, in Aristotelian… … English World dictionary
predicable — adj. & n. adj. that may be predicated or affirmed. n. 1 a predicable thing. 2 (in pl.) Logic the five classes to which predicates belong: genus, species, difference, property, and accident. Derivatives: predicability n. Etymology: med.L… … Useful english dictionary