- operation - действие, операция; любой акт вещи, даже и не происходящий вне ее, так мышление, является действием интеллекта.
Латинский словарь средневековых философских терминов. С.С. Неретина. 1998.
Латинский словарь средневековых философских терминов. С.С. Неретина. 1998.
operatio murorum — See murorum operatio … Ballentine's law dictionary
operatio — A single day s labor performed by an operarius for the lord of the manor … Ballentine's law dictionary
Operatio castelli — Lit. castle work . One of the services often mentioned in charters, from which a tenant might on occasion be exempted. The work was unspecified the assumption being all knew what it involved but most likely repair of walls and embankments was… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
castellorum operatio — /kxstalorsm opareysh(iy)ow/ In Saxon and old English law, castle work. Service and labor done by inferior tenants for the building and upholding of castles and public places of defense. One of the three necessary charges (trinoda necessitas) to… … Black's law dictionary
castellorum operatio — /kxstalorsm opareysh(iy)ow/ In Saxon and old English law, castle work. Service and labor done by inferior tenants for the building and upholding of castles and public places of defense. One of the three necessary charges (trinoda necessitas) to… … Black's law dictionary
castellorum operatio — The maintenance of castles … Ballentine's law dictionary
Firmior et potentior est operatio legis quam dispositio hominis — The operation of the law is more firm and more powerful than the disposition of man … Ballentine's law dictionary
fossatorium operatio — Work or service performed on moats or ditches … Ballentine's law dictionary
murorum operatio — A feudal service consisting of labor in the repair and construction of walls and fortifications … Ballentine's law dictionary
Operation — Operatio̱n w; , en: chirurgischer Eingriff … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Operationssaal — Operatio̱ns|saal: mit geeigneten Apparaten, Vorrichtungen u.Operationssaala. ausgestatteter, nach streng hygienischen Vorschriften hergerichteter Raum zur Vornahme von Operationen (Abk.: OP) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke