- necessary - необходимый; то необходимо, чья природа такова и не может не быть таковой.
Латинский словарь средневековых философских терминов. С.С. Неретина. 1998.
Латинский словарь средневековых философских терминов. С.С. Неретина. 1998.
Necessarium — Reste des ehemaligen Necessariums im Kloster Buch Das Necessarium (lat. Bedürfnis(raum)) war in manchen mittelalterlichen Klöstern eine Toiletteneinrichtung, die direkt über einem Fließgewässer oder einem davon abgezweigten Wasserlauf lag. Das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
necessarium — … Useful english dictionary
necessarium est quod non potest aliter se habere — /nesaseriyam est kwod non powtast aelatar siy habiriy/ That is necessary which cannot be otherwise … Black's law dictionary
necessarium est quod non potest aliter se habere — /nesaseriyam est kwod non powtast aelatar siy habiriy/ That is necessary which cannot be otherwise … Black's law dictionary
Necessarium est quod non potest aliter se habere — That is necessary which it is not possible to be otherwise … Ballentine's law dictionary
Malum necessarium. — См. Необходимое зло … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
bonum necessarium extra terminos necessitatis non est bonum — /bownam nesaseriyam ekstra tarmanows nasesateytas non est bownam/ A good thing required by necessity is not good beyond the limits of such necessity … Black's law dictionary
juramentum necessarium — /juramentam nesaseriyam/ In Roman law, a compulsory oath. A disclosure under oath, which the praetor compelled one of the parties to a suit to make, when the other, applying for such an appeal, agreed to abide by what his adversary should swear … Black's law dictionary
nihil magis justum est quam quod necessarium est — /nay(h)al meyjas jastam est kwaem kwod nesaseriyam est/ Nothing is more just than that which is necessary … Black's law dictionary
non debet dici tendere in prsejudicium ecclesiastics liberatatis quod pro rege et republica necessarium videtur — /non debat daysay tendariy in prejuwdish(iy)am akliyziyaestasiy libar(a)teytas kwod prow riyjiy et rapablaka nesaseriyam vadiytar/ That which seems necessary for the king and the state ought not to be said to tend to the prejudice of spiritual… … Black's law dictionary
bonum necessarium extra terminos necessitatis non est bonum — /bownam nesaseriyam ekstra tarmanows nasesateytas non est bownam/ A good thing required by necessity is not good beyond the limits of such necessity … Black's law dictionary