affectus — (s.m.) Si ha quando l oratore si serve di mezzi emozionali per commuovere l arbitro della situazione. Lausberg distingue due gradi di emozione: l ethos, che è il grado di emozione più moderata, e il pathos che è il grado di emozione più… … Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani
affectus — /afektas/ Disposition; intention, impulse or affection of the mind. One of the causes for a challenge of a juror is propter affectum, on account of a suspicion of bias or favor. 3 Bl.Comm. 363 … Black's law dictionary
affectus — /afektas/ Disposition; intention, impulse or affection of the mind. One of the causes for a challenge of a juror is propter affectum, on account of a suspicion of bias or favor. 3 Bl.Comm. 363 … Black's law dictionary
affectus — Intent; disposition; attempt … Ballentine's law dictionary
affectus punitur licet non sequatur effectus — /afektas pyuwnaytar laysat non sakweytar afektas/ The intention is punished although the intended result does not follow … Black's law dictionary
affectus punitur licet non sequatur effectus — /afektas pyuwnaytar laysat non sakweytar afektas/ The intention is punished although the intended result does not follow … Black's law dictionary
affectus punitur, licet non sequatur effectus — The attempt is punishable although the result intended does not follow … Ballentine's law dictionary
in atrocioribus delictis punitur affectus licet non sequatur effectus — /in atr6ws(h)iyorabas daliktas pyuwnatar afektas laysat non sakweytar afektas/ In more atrocious crimes the intent is punished, though an effect does not follow … Black's law dictionary
juris affectus in executione consistit — /juras afektas in eksakyuwshiyowniy kansistat/ The effect of the law consists in the execution … Black's law dictionary
majore pcena affectus quam legibus statuta est, non est infamis — /majoriy piyna afektas kwaem liyjabas statyuwta est, non est anfeymas/ One affected with a greater punishment than is provided by law is not infamous … Black's law dictionary
malitia est acida; est mali animi affectus — /malishfiyb est ssada, est mselay aenamay afektas/ Malice is sour; it is the quality of a bad mind … Black's law dictionary