- of being - касающийся акта бытия.
Латинский словарь средневековых философских терминов. С.С. Неретина. 1998.
Латинский словарь средневековых философских терминов. С.С. Неретина. 1998.
essendi quietum de tolonio — /asenday kwiyiytam diy talowniyow/ A writ to be quit of toll; it lies for citizens and burgesses of any city or town who, by charter or prescription, ought to be exempted from toll, where the same is exacted of them … Black's law dictionary
essendi quietum de tolonio — /asenday kwiyiytam diy talowniyow/ A writ to be quit of toll; it lies for citizens and burgesses of any city or town who, by charter or prescription, ought to be exempted from toll, where the same is exacted of them … Black's law dictionary
essendi quietam de theolonia — An exemption from the payment of tolls … Ballentine's law dictionary
Causa essendi et fiendi — (лат.) основание существования и возникновения … Философская энциклопедия
Ratio essendi — (лат.) основание бытия. Философский энциклопедический словарь. М.: Советская энциклопедия. Гл. редакция: Л. Ф. Ильичёв, П. Н. Федосеев, С. М. Ковалёв, В. Г. Панов. 1983 … Философская энциклопедия
modi (essendi, signandi, significandi) — [mɔdi(esɛ̃di, signɑ̃di, signifikɑ̃di)] n. m. pl. ÉTYM. Plur. du lat. modus « mode ». ❖ ♦ Hist. de la philos. Modes (d être, de se constituer en signe, de signifier). Le sing. modus est rarement employé … Encyclopédie Universelle
ratio essendi — eˈsen(ˌ)dē noun (plural rationes essendi) Etymology: Medieval Latin : the cause or ground of the existence of a thing … Useful english dictionary
rationes essendi — plural of ratio essendi … Useful english dictionary
Thomas Aquinas — Aquinas redirects here. For other uses, see Aquinas (disambiguation). Thomas Aquinas Thomas Aquinas depicted in stained glass Born Thomas Aquinas 1225 Roccasecca, Kingdom of Sicily … Wikipedia
Modistae — The Modistae (also called Modists or speculative grammarians) were the members of a school of grammarian philosophy known as Modism, active in northern France, Germany, Britain and Denmark in the 13th and 14th centuries. Their influence was felt… … Wikipedia
Durandus de San Porciano — Durandus von St. Pourçain OP (* ca. 1270–1275 in Saint Pourçain sur Sioule; † 10. September 1334 in Meaux) war Theologe und Philosoph; Magister, Paris (1312–13); lector sacri palatii, Avignon (1313–1317); Bischof von Limoux (26. August 1317), Le… … Deutsch Wikipedia