
cōn-fercio, fersī, fertum, īre [ farcio ]
1) туго набивать (aliquid in folles PM)
2) сбивать в кучу (aliquos in arta tecta L)
ventus confercit nubes Lcr — ветер сгоняет тучи

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "confercio" в других словарях:

  • confertus — Arranged closely together; coalescing. [L. confercio, pp. fertus, to cram together, fr. farcio, to fill full, cram] * * * con·fer·tus (kən furґtəs) [L.] close together; confluent …   Medical dictionary

  • conferta —   , confertum, confertus   L. confercio, cram together.   1) Plants forming a dense covering on the forest floor. Bromus confertus   2) inflorescence branches densely crowded. Deyeuxia conferta, Eragrostis conferta, Imperata conferta, Milium… …   Etymological dictionary of grasses

  • confertiflora —   , confertiflorus   L. confercio, cram together; flos, flower. Inflorescence branches densely congested …   Etymological dictionary of grasses

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