- conductio
- ōnis f. [ conduco ]1) аренда, наём (hindi C)2) взятие на откуп (vectigalium L)3) мед. судороги, спазмы (musculorum CA)4) рит. сводка, сжатое повторение (греч. synagōgē) C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Conductĭo — (lat.), Miethung, Pachtung; daher Conductor, Miethsmann, u. Conductum, Miethswohnung, Pachtung, od. Mieths , Pachtcontract … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
conductio — index contract, lease Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
conductio — /kand3ksh(iy)ow/ In the civil law, a hiring. Used generally in connection with the term locatio, a letting. Locatio et conductio (sometimes united as a compound word locatio conductio ), a letting and hiring … Black's law dictionary
conductio — /kand3ksh(iy)ow/ In the civil law, a hiring. Used generally in connection with the term locatio, a letting. Locatio et conductio (sometimes united as a compound word locatio conductio ), a letting and hiring … Black's law dictionary
conductio — con·duc·tio … English syllables
conductio — A hiring … Ballentine's law dictionary
conductio — … Useful english dictionary
locatio conductio — in Roman law, the contract of hire. The language is still used in civilian jurisdictions. There were three main varieties: locatio rei, the hire of a thing ; locatio operarum, a worker for a wage; locatio operis faciendi, a contract for services… … Law dictionary
locatio conductio — kənˈdu̇ktēˌō noun or locatio et conductio ˌetkən Etymology: Latin, letting (and) hiring Roman & civil law : a contract of letting and hiring … Useful english dictionary
locatio et conductio — noun see locatio conductio … Useful english dictionary
locatio-conductio — /Iowkeysh(iy)ow kand3ksh(iy)ow/ In the civil law a compound word used to denote the contract of bailment for hire, expressing the action of both parties, viz., a letting by the one and a hiring by the other … Black's law dictionary