Concubĭtus — (Coitus, Beischlaf, Rechtsw.), die fleischliche Vermischung eines Mannes mit einer Frauensperson. Derselbe gilt unbedingt als erlaubt zwischen verheiratheten Personen, ja er bildet hier einen Theil der ehelichen Pflicht, welche die Ehegatten… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Concubitus — Concubitus, lat., Beischlaf; C. anticipatus. vorzeitiger Beischlaf (der Verlobten) … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Concubitus — vgl. Konkubitus … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Nuptĭas non concubĭtus, sed consensus facit — (lat.), Rechtssprichwort: Nicht der Beischlaf, sondern die Einwilligung bewirkt die Ehe … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
consensus, non concubitus, facit nuptias vel matrimonium, et consentire non possunt ante annos nubiles — /kansensas, non kankyuwbatas, feysat napshiyas vel maetr3m6wn(i)yam, et konsantayriy non posant aentiy snows n(y)uwbaliyz/ Consent, and not cohabitation (or coition), constitutes nuptials or marriage, and persons cannot consent before… … Black's law dictionary
consensus, non concubitus, facit nuptias vel matrimonium, et consentire non possunt ante annos nubiles — /kansensas, non kankyuwbatas, feysat napshiyas vel maetr3m6wn(i)yam, et konsantayriy non posant aentiy snows n(y)uwbaliyz/ Consent, and not cohabitation (or coition), constitutes nuptials or marriage, and persons cannot consent before… … Black's law dictionary
nuptias non concubitus sed consensus facit — /napshiyas non kankyuwbatas sed kansensas feysat/ Not cohabitation but consent makes the marriage … Black's law dictionary
Consensus, non concubitus, facit matrimonium — A meeting of the minds, and not cohabitation, constitutes a marriage. This was a maxim of the common law, the civil law and of the ecclesiastical law as well, and the sounder rule established by express decisions on the question is that mutual… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Consensus, non concubitus, tacit nuptias vet matrimonium et consentire non possunt ante annos nubiles — Consent, not cohabitation, makes nuptials or marriage, and those under marriageable age cannot consent … Ballentine's law dictionary
Nuptias non concubitus, sed consensus facit — Not cohabitation, but consent, makes a marriage … Ballentine's law dictionary
concúbito — (Del lat. concubitus.) ► sustantivo masculino formal Acto sexual. * * * concúbito (del lat. «concubĭtus») m. *Cópula. ⇒ *Cohabitar. * * * concúbito. (Del lat. concubĭtus). m. coito … Enciclopedia Universal