- conciliator
- conciliātor, ōris m. [ concilio ]1) устроитель, виновник (proditionis L); посредникc. nuptiarum Nep — сват2) свод ник Vop
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
conciliator — CONCILIATÓR, OÁRE, conciliatori, oare, adj. Care tinde spre un acord, spre o împăcare a unor divergenţe; care duce spre înţelegere între părţi opuse. ♦ (În politică) Care, în faţa unor divergenţe de ordin principial, caută o soluţie de compromis … Dicționar Român
conciliator — I index go between, intermediary II index referee Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Conciliator — Con*cil i*a tor, n. [L.] One who conciliates. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
CONCILIATOR — olim honestum nomen; Imo Romanis LL. adeo sancctum officium habitum est, ut nec praemii ergo aliquid facere Conciliatores, seu Proxenetas, voluerint; quod si omnino eô nomine aliquid capere, circumscripserunt rem certis regulis. Vide Harmenopulum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
conciliator — conciliation con‧cil‧i‧a‧tion [kənˌsɪliˈeɪʆn] noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES the process of getting an employer and employees who are involved in an argument to meet and discuss their differences, in the hope of ending the argument: •… … Financial and business terms
conciliator — /keuhn sil ee ay teuhr/, n. 1. a person who conciliates. 2. arbitrator. [1565 75; < L conciliator, equiv. to concilia(re) (see CONCILIATE) + tor TOR] * * * … Universalium
conciliator — conciliate ► VERB 1) make calm and content; placate. 2) mediate in a dispute. DERIVATIVES conciliation noun conciliator noun conciliatory adjective. ORIGIN Latin conciliare combine, gain , from concilium assembly … English terms dictionary
Conciliator faction — The Conciliator faction was an opposition group within the Communist Party of Germany during the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. In East Germany, after World War II, the German word for conciliator, Versöhnler, became a term for anti marxist … Wikipedia
conciliator — noun see conciliate … New Collegiate Dictionary
conciliator — noun A person who conciliates … Wiktionary
conciliatór — adj. m. (sil. li a ), pl. conciliatóri; f. sg. şi pl. conciliatoáre … Romanian orthography