
ōnis f. [ compono ]
1) составление, сочетание, связывание, сложение, соединение (membrorum C)
2) приготовление (unguentorum C; remediorum Sen)
3) составление, работа над сочинением (juris pontificalis C)
4) состав, снадобье, лекарство (ad laterum dolores c. CC)
5) приведение в порядок, упорядочение, устройство (magistratuum, disciplinae C)
6) прекращение спора, устранение разногласия, примирение (legatos ad aliquem mittere de compositione Cs)
7) заключение договора (de compositione agere Cs)
8) складывание на хранение (rerum autumnalium Col)
9) сопоставление, противопоставление, выставление друг против друга (gladiatorum C)
10) ритор. построение сложного предложения rhH., C

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "compositio" в других словарях:

  • Compositio — (lat.), im deutschen Mittelalter die zur Beilegung der Fehde wegen eines Rechtsbruchs anfänglich auf Grund freien Privatübereinkommens, später nach genau bestimmten Gesetzesvorschriften zu zahlende Strafsumme. Das Strafrecht dieser Zeit beruht,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • compositio — index accommodation (adjustment), arrangement (ordering), composition (makeup), settlement Burton s Legal Thesaurus …   Law dictionary

  • compositio —    (s.f.) La compositio concerne l ornatus e consiste nel formare sintatticamente e foneticamente gruppi di parole, frasi e successione di frasi: il gusto nel saper costruire l insieme si chiama aptum. Per quanto riguarda la fonetica, la… …   Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani

  • Compositio Mathematica — (or simply Compositio; print: ISSN 0010 437X, online: ISSN 1570 5846) is a bimonthly peer reviewed mathematics journal established by L.E.J. Brouwer in 1935.[1] It is published by Cambridge University Press. According to the Journal… …   Wikipedia

  • compositio mensurarum — /kompazish(iy)ow menshareram/ The ordinance of measures. The title of an ancient ordinance, not printed, mentioned in the statute 23 Hen. VIII, c. 4; establishing a standard of measures. 1 Bl.Comm. 275 …   Black's law dictionary

  • compositio ulnarum et perticarum — /kompazish(iy)ow alneram at partakeram/ The statute of ells and perches. The title of an English statute establishing a standard of measures. 1 Bl.Comm. 275 …   Black's law dictionary

  • compositio mensurarum — /kompazish(iy)ow menshareram/ The ordinance of measures. The title of an ancient ordinance, not printed, mentioned in the statute 23 Hen. VIII, c. 4; establishing a standard of measures. 1 Bl.Comm. 275 …   Black's law dictionary

  • compositio ulnarum et perticarum — /kompazish(iy)ow alneram at partakeram/ The statute of ells and perches. The title of an English statute establishing a standard of measures. 1 Bl.Comm. 275 …   Black's law dictionary

  • Compositio Mensurarum — The regulation of measures, the name of the earliest English statute which established a standard of weight. This was originally taken from corns or grains of wheat, thirty two of which, by the statute, made a pennyweight, twenty of these an… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • compositio ulnarum et perticarum — The regulation of yards and perches, an ancient English statute establishing a standard of linear measure. It provided that an inch should be the length of three grains of a barley, a foot should equal twelve inches, a yard, three feet, and five… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Amicabĭlis compositĭo — (lat.), so v.w. Gütepflege …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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