Commissum — (lat.), 1) bei Verbrechen die wirkliche Begehung; 2) die Strafe od. der Verlust, welche eine pflichtwidrige Handlung zur Folge hat; daher Commissa heredĭtas, C. poena, verwirkte Erbschaft, verwirkte Strafe … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Commissum — (lat.), etwas Aufgetragenes, Auftrag; etwas Begangenes, insbes. eine strafbare Handlung, im Gegensatze zu der durch ein Unterlassen (omissum) begangenen Straftat; commissa hereditas, verwirkte Erbschaft; commisa poena, verwirkte Strafe. Commissa… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Commissum divinitus — ist eine Enzyklika von Papst Gregor XVI., sie datiert vom 17. Mai 1835 und trägt den Untertitel „Über Kirche und Staat“, wobei er schwerpunktmäßig auf die Situation in der Schweiz einging. Einleitung Der in den Jahren 1830 – 1848 aufkommende… … Deutsch Wikipedia
fidei commissum — fi·dei com·mis·sum / fī dē ˌā kə mi səm, fē dā ˌē kȯ mē su̇m/ n pl fidei com·mis·sa / sə, sä/ [Latin fidei commissum, from neuter past participle of fideicommittere to bequeath (a thing) with the request that it be delivered to a third person,… … Law dictionary
opus commissum — ò·pus com·mìs·sum loc.s.m.inv., lat. TS arte nella Roma tardoimperiale e nel Medioevo, tipo di intarsio formato unendo frammenti di marmi, vetri colorati e dorati, tagliati in base a forme prestabilite {{line}} {{/line}} ETIMO: lat. opus… … Dizionario italiano
fidei-commissum — /faydiyay kamisam/ In the civil law, a species of trust; being a gift of property (usually by will) to a person, accompanied by a request or direction of the donor that the recipient will transfer the property to another, the latter being a… … Black's law dictionary
fidei-commissum — /faydiyay kamisam/ In the civil law, a species of trust; being a gift of property (usually by will) to a person, accompanied by a request or direction of the donor that the recipient will transfer the property to another, the latter being a… … Black's law dictionary
fidei commissum — ▪ law in Roman law and civil law systems, a gift of property to a person (usually by will), imposing upon that person the obligation to transfer it to a specified ultimate recipient, the latter being a person legally incapable of taking the … Universalium
sapientis judicis est cogitare tantum sibi esse permissum, quantum commissum et creditum — /saepiyentas juwdasas est kojateriy t?ntam sibay esiy parmisam kwontam kamisam et kredatam/ It is the part of a wise judge to think that a thing is permitted to him, only so far as it is committed and intrusted to him. That is, he should keep his … Black's law dictionary
fidei commissum — A trust arising upon a bequest with directions to deliver the subject matter or some portion of it to another person; in equity, an estate in possession, encumbered with the charge to surrender it to another. McDonough s Executors v Murdoch (US)… … Ballentine's law dictionary
fidei-commissum — … Useful english dictionary