Смотреть что такое "comitia" в других словарях:
COMITIA — orum, plural. numer. conventus populi ad creandos magistratus, leges ferendas, et alia cum populo agenda, a comeundo appellata, ita enim veteres loquebantur, vel a coeundo. Leguntur autem Comitia Consularia, Praetoria, Quaestoria, Tribunitia,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Comitia — (lateinischer Plural von Comitium, „Versammlungsort“) war im antiken Rom die Bezeichnung für eine Volksversammlung. In diesen Versammlungen (deutsch: Komitien) wurde das Ergebnis einer Wahl oder Abstimmung nicht aufgrund einzelner Stimmen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Comitia — Co*mi ti*a, n. pl. [L.] (Rom. Antiq.) A public assembly of the Roman people for electing officers or passing laws. [1913 Webster] Note: There were three kinds of comitia: comitia curiata, or assembly of the patricians, who voted in curi[ae];… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Comitĭa — (Comitien, röm. Ant.), 1) in Rom feierliche, ordnungsmäßig zusammenberufene Versammlungen des Volkes, um theils, auf Grund religiöser Institutionen von den Priestern getroffene Anordnungen anzuhören, theils über politische u., echtliche, innere u … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Comitĭa — (lat.), s. Komitien … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Comitia — Comitĭa, s. Komitien … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Comitia — [lateinisch] Plural, die Volksversammlung, Komitien. … Universal-Lexikon
comitia — [kō mish′ē ə, kōmish′ə] n. [L, pl. of comitium, meeting place < com , together + pp. stem of ire, to go: see EXIT] in ancient Rome, an assembly of citizens for electing officials, passing laws, etc. comitial adj … English World dictionary
comitia — comitial /keuh mish euhl/, adj. /keuh mish ee euh/, n. Rom. Hist. an assembly of the people convened to pass on laws, nominate magistrates, etc. [1615 25; < L, pl. of comitium assembly, equiv. to com COM + it , n. deriv. of ire to go (cf. COMES)… … Universalium
comitia — /kamish(iy)a/ In Roman law, an assembly, either (1) of the Roman curiae, in which case it was called the comitia curiata vel calata ; or (2) of the Roman centuries, in which case it was called the comitia centuriata (called also comitia majora);… … Black's law dictionary
comitia — /kamish(iy)a/ In Roman law, an assembly, either (1) of the Roman curiae, in which case it was called the comitia curiata vel calata ; or (2) of the Roman centuries, in which case it was called the comitia centuriata (called also comitia majora);… … Black's law dictionary