- collegiatus
collēgiātus, ī m.член профессиональной корпорации (пожарных и т. п.) CJ
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
COLVIVIRAUG — collegiatus VIvirum Augustalium … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
Collegiate — Col*le gi*ate, a. [L. collegiatus.] Of or pertaining to a college; as, collegiate studies; a collegiate society. Johnson. [1913 Webster] {Collegiate church}. (a) A church which, although not a bishop s seat, resembles a cathedral in having a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Collegiate church — Collegiate Col*le gi*ate, a. [L. collegiatus.] Of or pertaining to a college; as, collegiate studies; a collegiate society. Johnson. [1913 Webster] {Collegiate church}. (a) A church which, although not a bishop s seat, resembles a cathedral in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
collegiate — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin collegiatus, from Latin collegium Date: 15th century 1. of or relating to a collegiate church 2. of, relating to, or comprising a college 3. collegial 2 4. designed for… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Leonhard von Dobschütz (Astronom) — Leonhard von Dobschütz, auch Leonard Vitreatoris z Dobrzyc, de Dobczycze oder de Dobschycze (* um 1450 wahrscheinlich in Dobczyce bei Krakau; † 1508 in Polen), war Astronom, Astrologe, Mathematiker und Professor an der Krakauer Akademie (ab 1813… … Deutsch Wikipedia
collegiate — collegiately, adv. collegiateness, n. /keuh lee jit, jee it/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to a college: collegiate life. 2. of, characteristic of, or intended for college students: collegiate clothes; a collegiate dictionary. 3. of the nature of or… … Universalium
Collegiate — • An adjective applied to those churches and institutions whose members form a college Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Collegiate Collegiate … Catholic encyclopedia
wægngeféra — m ( n/ n) wagon companion [carpentarius], [collegiatus] … Old to modern English dictionary
Kollegiat — Kol|le|gi|at der; en, en <aus lat. collegiatus »Zunftgenosse«>: 1. Teilnehmer an einem [Funk]kolleg. 2. Mitbewohner eines Stifts … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Kollegiatkapitel — Kol|le|gi|at|ka|pi|tel das; s, <zu mlat. collegiatus »nicht bischöflich«> Körperschaft der Weltgeistlichen (↑Kanoniker) an einer Kollegiatkirche (Stiftskirche) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
collegiate — mid 15c., from L. collegiatus member of a college or corporation, in M.L., of or pertaining to a college, from collegium (see COLLEGE (Cf. college)) … Etymology dictionary