- colatus
- 1. cōlātus, a, um
part. pf. к colo I2. adj.чистый, ясный, светлый (nitor, serenitas Tert)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Colatus — a, um, strained …
Coulis — For the French wine grape that is also known as Coulis, see Gouais blanc. Preparation of a strawberry coulis A coulis ( … Wikipedia
coulis — cou·lis (ko͞o lēʹ) n. A thick sauce made of puréed fruit or vegetables: raspberry coulis. [French, strained liquid, from Old French couleis, from Vulgar Latin *cōlāticus, from Latin cōlātus, past participle of cōlāre, to strain. See coulee.] *… … Universalium
colat. — (in prescriptions) strained. [ < L colatus] * * * … Universalium
ASTURCO Equus — idem cum tolutario, ab Asturia regione nomen habens, mollem et ad delicias compositam vecturam, magnâ sedentium commoditate ac voluptate, exhibet: de quo molli delicatoque greslu per excellentiam βαδίζειν dixêre Graeci, ut Latini ambulare unde… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
CALPARE vel CALUPARE — CALPARE, vel CALUPARE unde Gallorum galopare, Latini dixêre de equis, a καλπάζειν vel καλπᾷν, quod currere significat; de tripedantibus equis inprimis, qui altius pedes tollendo et volubiliter glomerando grestus, quodammodo saltare et subsultim… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
SACCARE — Graece ςακκίζειν, vel καταςακκιζειν est saccô exprimere, per saccum colare, apud Ioh. de Ianua: Hinc vox ab Hesychio ad asturocones et tolutario equos transsata, quos ςακκάζειν dicit; quod eorum gradus in ambulando perinde minutus sit ac creber,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
cura — CURÁ1, curéz, vb. I. tranz. (Rar) A îngriji, a trata un bolnav sau o boală. ♦ refl. A se supune unui tratament medical, unei cure. – Din germ. kurieren. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 CURÁ2, curéz, vb. I. tranz. (reg.) A… … Dicționar Român
colander — mid 14c., coloundour, probably altered from M.L. colatorium strainer (with parasitic n ) from L. colatus, pp. of colare to strain, from colum sieve, strainer, wicker fishing net, of uncertain origin. Cognate with Fr. couloir, Sp. colador, It.… … Etymology dictionary
portcullis — c.1300, from O.Fr. porte coleice sliding gate (c.1200), from porte gate (see PORT (Cf. port) (2)) + coleice sliding, flowing, fem. of coleis, from L. colatus, pp. of colare to filter, strain … Etymology dictionary
portcullis — /pɔtˈkʌləs / (say pawt kuluhs) noun a strong grating, as of iron, made to slide in vertical grooves at the sides of a gateway of a fortified place, and let down to prevent passage. {Middle English portcullise, from Old French porte coleice, from… …