- cohum
ī n. Enn , Vr = cohus
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
inchoate — adjective Etymology: Latin inchoatus, past participle of inchoare to start work on, perhaps from in + cohum part of a yoke to which the beam of a plow is fitted Date: 1534 being only partly in existence or operation ; incipient; especially… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Latin profanity — is the profane, indecent, or impolite vocabulary of Latin, and its uses. The profane vocabulary of early Vulgar Latin was largely sexual and scatological: the abundance[1] of religious profanity found in some of the Romance languages is a… … Wikipedia
Tai Solarin University of Education — The Tai Solarin University of Education is the first university of education in Nigeria. It is located in Ijagun, Ijebu Ode, Ogun State. Overview The school is named after human rights activist Tai Solarin (1922 1994). It is the second university … Wikipedia
THEUTH vel THOT, THOYTH aut THOUT — THEUTH, vel THOT, THOYTH, aut THOUT Aeyptirum fuit Deus; Θεῦθ saepe Platoni in Phoedro, vocatus. Ciceroni de Nat. Deor. l. 3. est Thoyt, Hunc (Mercurium inquiens) Aegyptri Thoyth appellant, eôdemque nomine anni primus mensis (September nempe)… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
inchoate — (adj.) 1530s, from L. inchoatus, pp. of inchoare, alteration of incohare to begin, originally to hitch up, from in on (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + cohum strap fastened to the oxen s yoke. Related: Inchoative … Etymology dictionary
kagh- : kogh- — kagh : kogh English meaning: to sew, plait, etc.. Deutsche Übersetzung: “fassen, einfassen; geflochtene Hũrde, Flechtwerk” Material: Lat. caulae (*caholae) ‘schafhũrden, Einfriedigungen um temple and Altäre”, wherefore (dial.… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
inchoate — [in kō′it, in kō′āt΄] adj. [L inchoatus, incohatus, pp. of inchoare, incohare, to begin, orig. rural term “hitch up, harness” < in , in + cohum, the strap from plow beam to yoke < IE base * kagh , to hold, enclose > HEDGE] 1. just begun; … English World dictionary
in´cho|a´tion — in|cho|ate «adjective. ihn KOH iht; verb. IHN koh ayt», adjective, verb, at|ed, at|ing. –adj. just begun; in an early stage; incomplete; undeveloped: »Yet he stood…tensing with an inchoate sense of his conspicuousness (Atlantic). Each one of us… … Useful english dictionary
in|cho´ate|ness — in|cho|ate «adjective. ihn KOH iht; verb. IHN koh ayt», adjective, verb, at|ed, at|ing. –adj. just begun; in an early stage; incomplete; undeveloped: »Yet he stood…tensing with an inchoate sense of his conspicuousness (Atlantic). Each one of us… … Useful english dictionary
in|cho´ate|ly — in|cho|ate «adjective. ihn KOH iht; verb. IHN koh ayt», adjective, verb, at|ed, at|ing. –adj. just begun; in an early stage; incomplete; undeveloped: »Yet he stood…tensing with an inchoate sense of his conspicuousness (Atlantic). Each one of us… … Useful english dictionary
in|cho|ate — «adjective. ihn KOH iht; verb. IHN koh ayt», adjective, verb, at|ed, at|ing. –adj. just begun; in an early stage; incomplete; undeveloped: »Yet he stood…tensing with an inchoate sense of his conspicuousness (Atlantic). Each one of us has the… … Useful english dictionary