Смотреть что такое "Coele" в других словарях:
-coele — [sēl] [< Gr koilia, body cavity < koilos, hollow: for IE base see CAVE] combining form cavity, chamber of the body or of an organ [blastocoele]: also coel … English World dictionary
coele — di·a·coele; en·do·coele; en·ter·o·coele; en·to·coele; exo·coele; hy·dro·coele; meso·coele; my·e·lo·coele; neu·ro·coele; rhab·do·coele; splanch·no·coele; blas·to·coele; ep·i·coele; gas·tro·coele; gon·o·coele; he·mo·coele; me·nin·go·coele;… … English syllables
COELE — I. COELE Graece Κόιλη, locus Atticae, ad tribum Hippothoontidem pertinens, uti docet Sponius ex marmore veter. XIII. Tribuum Atticatum memoriam servante, in quo mentio huius demi his verbis continetur, ΔΙΟΝΓΣΙΟΣ ΔΙΟΝΓΣΙΟΓ (qui sub hac tribu ibi… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Coele-Syria — Province of Macedonian Empire / Ptolemaic Kingdom / Seleucid Kingdom … Wikipedia
COELE-SYRIA — COELE SYRIA, the official Seleucid designation for those portions of Palestine and southern Syria captured by Antiochus III from the Ptolemies (c. 200 B.C.E.). Under Ptolemaic rule these territories were known officially as Syria and Phoenicia,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Coele-Siria — Se ha sugerido que este artículo o sección sea fusionado en Celesiria (discusión). Una vez que hayas realizado la fusión de artículos, pide la fusión de historiales aquí. Coele Siria (griego antiguo|Κοίλη Συρία), que significa Siria “hueca”, fue… … Wikipedia Español
-coele — or coel noun combining form Etymology: probably from New Latin coela, from neuter plural of coelus hollow, concave, from Greek koilos, from koilos cavity ; chamber ; ventricle < blastocoel > < entero … New Collegiate Dictionary
-coele — var. of coel as final element of a compound word: enterocoele. Also, cele, coel. * * * … Universalium
-coele — suffix denoting 1. a body cavity. Example: blastocoele (cavity of blastocyst). 2. see cele. * * * [Gr. koilia cavity] a word termination denoting a cavity or space; sometimes spelled cele and coel … Medical dictionary
-coele — combining form variant spelling of cele … English new terms dictionary
-coele — cele … The new mediacal dictionary