- coactor
- coāctor, ōris m. [ cogo ]2) собиратель (отстающих)coactores agminis T — хвост воинской колонны, арьергард3) побудитель, «толкач» (adjutor et, ut ita dicam, c. Sen)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
coactor — I noun abettor, accessory, accessory after the fact, accessory before the fact, accomplice, accomplice in crime, acolyte, adjunct, adjutant, adjuvant, advocate, aid, aide de camp, aider, aider and abettor, ally, assistant, associate, attendant,… … Law dictionary
coactor — |àtô| adj. s. m. 1. Que ou o que coata. 2. Antigo recebedor de impostos entre os romanos. ♦ [Portugal] Grafia de coator antes do Acordo Ortográfico de 1990. ♦ Grafia no Brasil: coator … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
coactor in crime — index coconspirator Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
COACTOR — coactori … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
coactor — co·ac·tor … English syllables
coactor — ˌkōˌakˈtȯ(r); kō|ak|tȯ(r), ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷tə(r) noun Etymology: co + actor : an organism that participates in ecological coaction; especially : one (as a predator) that actively initiates coaction with another compare coactee … Useful english dictionary
COACT — coactor … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
coact — coactor, n. /koh akt /, v.t., v.i. to do or act together. [1375 1425 for earlier adj. senses compelled or forced (to do something) ; 1600 10 for current (intrans.) sense; late ME; see CO , ACT] * * * … Universalium
accomplice — ac·com·plice /ə käm pləs, kəm / n [alteration (from incorrect division of a complice ) of complice, from Middle French, associate, from Late Latin complic complex partner, confederate]: one who intentionally and voluntarily participates with… … Law dictionary
confederate — I noun abettor, accessory, accomplice, adjunct, adjutant, adjuvant, aid, aider, ally, assistant, associate, auxiliary, coactor, coadjutant, coadjutor, collaborator, colleague, colluder, comate, companion, comrade, confidant, confrere, consociate … Law dictionary
adjuvant — I adjective accessory, aiding, ancillary, assistant, assisting, auxiliary, cooperative, helpful, helping, ministerial, obliging, serving, subservient, subsidiary II noun acolyte, adjutant, aid, aide de camp, ancillary, assistant, attendant,… … Law dictionary