
Clītus, ī m.
Клит, полководец и друг Александра Македонского, спасший ему жизнь в битве при Гранике (334 г. до н. э.), но сам убитый им во время пирушки в 328 г. до н. э. QC, C, Sen

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Clitus" в других словарях:

  • Clitus — m Mainly U.S.: Latinized form of Greek Kleitos, the name of one of Alexander the Great s generals. This name is probably ultimately connected with Kleio (see CLIO (SEE Clio)) …   First names dictionary

  • CLITUS — I. CLITUS 240. navium imperio, ab Antipatro, contra Athenienses praefectus, insigni victoriâ hostes fregit, ad Echinades Insul. Olymp. 114. an. 2. Diodor. Sic. l. 8. Eius quoque meminit Polyaen. l. 4. 0. 6. in Antig. com. 8. II. CLITUS Milesius,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Clitus — Cleithos (compagnon d Alexandre) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cleithos et biographie. Cleithos ou Cleitos le Noir est un officier de Philippe II de Macédoine et d Alexandre le Grand. Probablement né vers 375 av. J. C. il est le fils d un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • CLITUS —    a general of Alexander, and his friend, who saved his life at the battle of Granicus, but whom, at a banquet, he killed when heated with wine, to his inconsolable grief ever afterwards …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • КЛИТ —    • Clitus,          Κλει̃τος,        1. см. Eos, Эос, и Melampus, Мелампод;        2. К., по прозванию Черный, полководец Александра Великого, спас жизнь царю в битве при Гранике и был с тех пор одним из любимцев его. Arr. 1, 15. 8. Он… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Rhoesaces — was the brother of Spithrobates, a satrap of Ionia, both who fought and died against Alexander the Great at the Battle of Granicus in 334. Alexander had claimed the life of his brother Spithrobates in the battle just moments before Rhoesaces… …   Wikipedia

  • 328 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeMacedonian Empire* At Maracanda, Alexander murders Clitus, one of his most trusted commanders, friend and foster brother, in a drunken quarrel; but his excessive display of remorse leads the army to pass a decree convicting… …   Wikipedia

  • Lanike — (born ca. 380 BC), also called Hellanike or Alacrinis, was the sister of Clitus the Black and the nurse of Alexander the Great. [ Who s Who In The Age Of Alexander The Great: prosopography of Alexander s empire , Waldemar Heckel, Blackwell… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of the Granicus — Infobox Military Conflict caption=The Battle of the Granicus River conflict=Battle of the Granicus partof=the Wars of Alexander the Great date=May, 334 BC place=Granicus River (Modern day Biga Çayı ), Turkey result=Macedonian victory.… …   Wikipedia

  • Nicanor (Antipatrid general) — Nicanor (in Greek Nικάνωρ; executed 318 BC), a Macedonian officer under Cassander, by whom he was secretly despatched immediately on the death of Antipater, 319 BC, to take the command of the Macedonian garrison at Munychia, in Attica. Nicanor… …   Wikipedia

  • List of ancient Macedonians — This is a list of the ancient Macedonians of Greece (Greek: Μακεδόνες, Makedónes). For other uses, including a list of people from modern day Republic of Macedonia see List of Macedonians Contents 1 Mythology 2 Kings 2.1 Argead Dynasty …   Wikipedia

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