- Clisthenes
Clīsthenēs, is m.Клисфен, афинский политик, реформатор конституции Солона, изгнан в 505 г. до н. э. C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Clisthenes — [klis′thə nēz΄] var. of CLEISTHENES … English World dictionary
CLISTHENES — I. CLISTHENES Orator apud Cicer. in Bruto, c. 7. II. CLISTHENES Polyaen. l. 3. c. 5. III. CLISTHENES ex Alcmaeonidûm familia, civis Athenienfis, cum Isagora de principatu contendit an. 1. Olymp. 66. populô in 10. tribus divisô, et institutâ… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Clisthenes — biographical name see Cleisthenes … New Collegiate Dictionary
Clisthenes — /kluys theuh neez /, n. Cleisthenes. * * * … Universalium
CLISTHENES — an Athenian, uncle of Pericles, procured the expulsion of Hippias the tyrant, 510 B.C., and the establishment of OSTRACISM (q.v.) … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Clisthenes — /kluys theuh neez /, n. Cleisthenes … Useful english dictionary
КЛИСФЕН — • Clisthĕnes, Κλεισθένης, 1. последний тиран сикионский, потомок Орфагора, принадлежал к племени эгиалейцев, охватывающее собой население, бывшее там раньше дорян. Он переименовал эгиалейцев в архелайцев и в то же время… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Ephesian Tale — The Ephesian Tale of Anthia and Habrocomes by Xenophon of Ephesus is a novel written in the mid 2nd century CE. Translator Graham Anderson sees the Ephesiaca as a specimen of penny dreadful literature in antiquity. Moses Hadas, an earlier… … Wikipedia
Cleisthenes — or Clisthenes biographical name circa 570 after 508 B.C. Athenian statesman … New Collegiate Dictionary
Cleisthenes — For other figures with the same name as well as for the genus of flounders, see Cleisthenes (disambiguation). Cleisthenes is known as the father of Athenian democracy . Modern bust, on view at the Ohio Statehouse, Columbus, Ohio. Cleisthenes… … Wikipedia
Cleisthenes of Sicyon — For other figures with the same name as well as for the genus of flounders, see Cleisthenes (disambiguation). Cleisthenes (also Clisthenes or Kleisthenes) was the tyrant of Sicyon from c. 600–570 BC, who aided in the First Sacred War against… … Wikipedia