
Cleōnae, ārum f.
Клеоны, город в Apголиде к юго-вост. от Немей, на пути из Коринфа в Аргос O

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Cleonae" в других словарях:

  • Cleonae — or Cleonæ or Kleonai may refer to any of several ancient cities, including: Archaies Kleones formerly Cleonae, in Argolis, now in Corinthia prefecture, Greece Cleonae (Chalcidice) on Mount Athos This disambiguation page lists articles about… …   Wikipedia

  • CLEONAE seu CLEONA Melae — CLEONAE, seu CLEONA Melae l. 2. c. 2. Cleone Plinio, l. 4. c. 6. hodie Sanvasili, teste Nigrô, oppidum olim, nunc pagus Argiae regionis in Peloponneso, inter Corinthum 10. et Argos 180 mill. pass. Mantineae urbi finitimus. Ovid. l. 6. Met. v. 417 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Cleonae (Chalcidice) — Cleonae or Cleonæ or Kleonai was an ancient city on the Akte peninsula (now Mount Athos), on its western coast, northwest of Thyssos (Thyssus). Mentioned by Strabo ( Geography , VII:33:1), it was colonized by Euboean colonists from Chalcis. [http …   Wikipedia

  • Cleonae (Athos) — Cleonae or Cleonæ or Kleonai was an ancient city on the Akte peninsula (now Mount Athos), on its western coast, northwest of Thyssos (Thyssus). Mentioned by Strabo, it was colonized by Euboean colonists from Chalcis.[1] References ^ Strabo.… …   Wikipedia

  • Cleonae (Argolis) — Present day Archaies Kleones Corinthias or Αρχαίες Κλεωνές Κορινθίας. Cleonae or Cleonæ or Kleonai was an ancient city in Argolis, now in the prefecture of Corinth, Greece. Αρχαίες Κλεωνές lies a few kilometers northwest , between Corinth and… …   Wikipedia

  • Cimon of Cleonae — Ancient Greek painters   Agatharchus Androcydes Antiphilus Apelles Apollodorus Aristides of Thebes Cimon of Cleonae …   Wikipedia

  • Cimon Of Cleonae — ▪ Greek artist flourished c. 525–500 BC       Greek painter said to have invented foreshortened or “three quarter views,” to have introduced depiction of wrinkles and folds in drapery, and to have represented human beings in different attitudes… …   Universalium

  • Клеоны — (Cleonae) город в древней Греции, на пути из Коринфа в Аргос, основанный в мифические времена сыном Пелопа, Клеоном; упоминается у Гомера как один из микенских городов. Развалины его у нынешней Клении. В историческое время К. принадлежали Аргосу …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • КЛЕОНЫ —    • Cleonae,          Κλεωναί,        1. см. Argos, Аргос, 5;        2. город на Афинской горе в Халкидике у Сингитского залива. Hdt. 7, 22. Thuc. 4, 109. Strab. 7, 331 …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Nemean Games — The Nemean Games (Grk. Νέμεα, τὰ) were one of the four Panhellenic Games of Ancient Greece, and were held at Nemea every two years (or every third). With the Isthmian Games, the Nemean Games were held both the year before and the year after the… …   Wikipedia

  • Asopus — or Asôpos (Greek Ασωπός) is the name of five different rivers in Greece and Turkey and also in Greek mythology the name of the gods of those rivers.The rivers#Boeotian Asopus, a river of Boeotia rising on Mt. Cithaeron and flowing through the… …   Wikipedia

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