- Cleanthes
Cleanthēs, is m.Клеанф, родом из Леса (Мисия), афинский философ-стоик, ученик Зенона, 111 в. до н. э. C, J
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Cleanthes — Full name Cleanthes Born c. 330 BC Assos Died c. 230 BC Athens Era Ancient philosophy Region Western Philosophy School … Wikipedia
Cleanthes — /klee an theez/, n. c300 232? B.C., Greek Stoic philosopher. * * * ▪ Greek philosopher born 331/330 BC, Assos in the Troad, Asia Minor died 232/231 Stoic philosopher who became head of the Stoic school (263–232 BC) after the death of Zeno… … Universalium
CLEANTHES — I. CLEANTHES Historicus quidam laudatus a Schol. in Aristoph. Equites. II. CLEANTHES Stoicus Philosophus, Cratetis primus discipulus, Zenonis Cittiensis successor. Hic Phoniae Assii filius, egregius pugil, cum Athenas venisset, Zenoni adhaerens… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cleanthes — (c. 331–232 BC) Stoic philosopher, and second head of the Stoic school. Coming between Zeno of Citium, the founder, and Chrysippus, the ‘second founder’ of the Stoic school, Cleanthes has usually been accorded a relatively minor position. However … Philosophy dictionary
Cleanthes — biographical name circa 331 circa 232 B.C. Greek Stoic philosopher … New Collegiate Dictionary
CLEANTHES — a Stoic philosopher, born at Assos, in Troas, of the 3rd century B.C.; wrought as a drawer of water by night that he might earn his fee as pupil of Zeno s by day; became Zeno s successor and the head of his school; regarded pleasure as a… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Cleanthes — Cle•an•thes [[t]kliˈæn θiz[/t]] n. big c300–232? b.c., Greek Stoic philosopher … From formal English to slang
Cleanthes — /kliˈænθiz/ (say klee antheez) noun c.300–c.232 BC, Greek Stoic philosopher …
Cleanthes — noun ancient Greek philosopher who succeeded Zeno of Citium as the leader of the Stoic school (300 232 BC) • Instance Hypernyms: ↑philosopher * * * /klee an theez/, n. c300 232? B.C., Greek Stoic philosopher … Useful english dictionary
КЛЕАНФ — • Cleanthes, Κλεάνθης, 1. см. Pictores, Живопись, 1; 2. философ, живший ок. 260 г. до Р. X., родом из Асса в Мисии, вырос в такой нужде, что должен был трудами рук своих добывать себе пропитание, вследствие чего его в… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Dialoge über natürliche Religion — (Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion) ist eine religionsphilosophische Schrift des schottischen Philosophen David Hume. In ihr streiten die drei Charaktäre Cleanthes, Demea und Philo über die Natur von Gottes Existenz. Hume begann mit der… … Deutsch Wikipedia