- clausum
- ī n. [ claudo I ]1) закрытое (огороженное) место (clause custodire fructūs Col)2) запор, засов, замок (ponere aliquid in clauso V; clausa domorum Lcr)sub clauso habere Col — держать под ключом
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
clausum — /klozam/ Close, closed up, sealed. Inclosed, as a parcel of land. A writ was either clausum (close) or apertum (open). Grants were said to be by liters patentee (open grant) or liters clausx (close grant); 2 Bl.Comm. 346. Occurring in the phrase… … Black's law dictionary
clausum — /klozam/ Close, closed up, sealed. Inclosed, as a parcel of land. A writ was either clausum (close) or apertum (open). Grants were said to be by liters patentee (open grant) or liters clausx (close grant); 2 Bl.Comm. 346. Occurring in the phrase… … Black's law dictionary
clausum fregit — /klozam friyjat/ L. Lat. (He broke the close.) In pleading and practice, technical words formerly used in certain actions of trespass, and still retained in the phrase quare clausum fregit (q.v.) … Black's law dictionary
clausum fregit — /klozam friyjat/ L. Lat. (He broke the close.) In pleading and practice, technical words formerly used in certain actions of trespass, and still retained in the phrase quare clausum fregit (q.v.) … Black's law dictionary
clausum — (лат.) закрытое, огороженное место … Словарь ботанических терминов
clausum — A close; a piece of land enclosed by a visible, material fence, or by an ideal, invisible boundary … Ballentine's law dictionary
clausum paschiae — /klozam paeskiyiy/ In English law, the morrow of the utas, or eight days of Easter; the end of Easter; the Sunday after Easter day … Black's law dictionary
clausum paschiae — /klozam paeskiyiy/ In English law, the morrow of the utas, or eight days of Easter; the end of Easter; the Sunday after Easter day … Black's law dictionary
clausum fregit — He broke the close by a literal or figurative trespass, breaking a fence or walking across a boundary line … Ballentine's law dictionary
Mare clausum — (legal latin meaning closed sea ) is a term used in international law to mention a sea, ocean or other navigable body of water under the jurisdiction of a state that is closed or not accessible to other states. Mare clausum is an exception to… … Wikipedia
Sarcostemma clausum — Bejuco de leche, Sarcostemma … Wikipedia Español