- Cithaeron
Cithaerōn, ōnis m.Киферон, лесистая горная цепь, отделяющая Беотию от Аттики и Мегариды и служившая местом вакхических празднеств V, O
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Cithaeron — CITHAERON, onis, Gr. Κιθαιρὼν, ῶνος, ein alter König in Böotien, von welchem der Berg Cithäron seinen Namen bekommen. Pausan. Bœot c. 1. p. 543. Er war ein sehr schlauer Mann, so daß er dem Jupiter selbst mit seinem klugen Rathe dienete. Denn als … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Cithaeron — Cithaeron … Wikipédia en Français
CITHAERON — I. CITHAERON Rex, a quo monti nomen impositium, memoratur Pausaniae, l. 9. II. CITHAERON vulgo M. di Stives, mons Boeotiae clarissimus, cuius radicem Asopus amnis alluit. Servius, in l. 10. Aen. credidit alterum esse ex iugis Parnassi, quod… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cithaeron — Ci·thae·ron (sĭ thîrʹən) A mountain, 1,410 m (4,623 ft) high, of southeast Greece. It was considered sacred to Dionysus and the Muses. * * * ▪ mountains, Greece Modern Greek Kithairón, mountain range in Greece, separating Boeotia from… … Universalium
Cithaeron — or Modern Greek Kithairón or formerly Elatea geographical name mountain 4623 feet (1409 meters) Greece on NW border of ancient Attica … New Collegiate Dictionary
Cithaéron — Cithéron Dans la mythologie grecque, Cithéron, roi de Platées, donna son nom au mont Cithéron. Au temps où Zeus, amoureux de la nymphe Platée, craignait d éveiller la jalousie d Héra, Cithéron lui conseilla de placer près de lui son char avec une … Wikipédia en Français
Charaxes cithaeron — Blue spotted Emperor Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta … Wikipedia
КИФЕРОН — • Cithaeron, Κιθαιρών, лесистая гора между Беотией, Аттикой и Мегаридой, см. Attica, Аттика, 1, и Boeotia, Беотия … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Cithaeronidae — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Arachnida … Wikipedia
List of Cithaeronidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Cithaeronidae as of Sept. 6, 2007.Cithaeron Cithaeron O. P. Cambridge, 1872 * Cithaeron delimbatus Strand, 1906 East Africa * Cithaeron indicus Platnick Gajbe, 1994 India * Cithaeron… … Wikipedia
The Bacchae — Infobox Play name= The Bacchae caption = Pentheus being torn apart by Agave and Ino, Attic red figure vase. writer = Euripides chorus = Bacchae, female followers of Dionysus characters = Dionysus Teiresias Cadmus Pentheus Servant Messenger Second … Wikipedia